Giant for Grace and my 46er finish

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Apr 7, 2004
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Home: Tioga PA Avatar: Cheez Whiz YUM!

Saturday evening was a blast! Finally meeting forum members for the first time. Even though I did not know many people "personally" I felt like I knew them from the family type atmosphere that the forums bring. After Joe H handed out the shirts we had the "party" at Arm and Bob's site. Great food and conversation.

I finally met Spencer, ADKJACK, Neil and Sylvie, Dubois family, NUM NUM NUM, Gillian, Timmus, Dick and Joanne, Arm and Bob, Bristol and hubby, Nuked Rocket and wifey, !12climbup, TeeJay, Wylde Flower, Adventurous and her crew, Unadogger, Yvon and Annie, Joe H. , Alpine Summit and wifey, ADKDREMN, Bubba, and more at the brew pub the following day.

The party ended quite early as a lot of people were getting an early start. We had arranged that we would leave by car at 6:15 with Dick and Joanne. We finally made the trailhead and signed in at 6:53am. We had plenty of views at the lower elevations and before you knew it we were at our first look out. We could look down to 73 and see our cars and chapel pond. We took some pictures and pressed on to the washbowl. This place is beautiful and even had a bench for your viewing pleasure. Well a primitive bench.

The trail so far was very well maintained and very dry. As we ascended Giant, Joanne and I took our time taking lots of pictures at every lookout. We finally got to a point where you could go around or over the bump. Seth, ADKDREMN and Scott all went over and Dick and Joanne went around. On top we could see the Ausable Club, and the Dix Range. Off in the distance you could see the clouds moving in.

We met up with Dick and Jo where the two trails met and we were off again. When we finally arrived at the junction to go to RPR I stashed a bottle of Champaign in the cripple brush for our return. Giant was so close I could smell it Down the 800 feet over a very eroded trail and when we reached the col it started to drizzle. We finally made the summit and were rewarded with blowing winds and rain. It looks like it would be a great peak if it had views. I got a pic of Dick and Joanne around noon with their summit sign and we all headed back to the col to get something to eat.

In the col I broke out cheese whiz and crackers and they were a big hit Now we headed back up the 800 feet and it was the easiest 800 feet I have ever climbed Ok that was an inside joke with all of us. Dick had asked how I liked it and I said it was easy We all laughed! We finally got back to the junction and I grabbed my stash of Champaign and we finally headed for our celebration for Grace and my 46.

Everyone else went a head and I stayed back so they could get set up for the pictures. As I rounded the corner and made the summit I had a grin ear to ear and could not have been happier. We toasted with Champaign and got pictures with our summit signs. I sat down and admired the teasing views with clouds blowing in and out and took a moment to honor Grace on this special day. I think we made the summit around 1:30ish give or take I hope she forgives us for being a little late.

I wish I would have known her like so many of you did. I have learned a lot about Grace over the past year since Rik started the planning. When he started organizing this without hesitation I said Giant. I knew I had some climbing to do as I wanted Giant to be my 46er finish as well. In June I climbed Santanoni and July I did Allen to set me up for the Grace Celebration.

I cannot think of a better way to finish my 46 as Grace did 70 years ago. Not only do her and I have the mountains in common but now we have the same anniversary 70 years apart. There were a few times that our group of 6 was split up and I had time to think about the day. I thought back to the Grace Climbing days and imagined what the bushwhack was like to these two peaks. The rain that we had this day I want to think Grace was spilling tears of joy over us as we were celebrating her finish some 70 years ago
Congrats on completing the 46!!! It was great to meet and hang out with you over the weekend. I'm looking forward to the next event.