Giant Mt. (NY) Hike - dumb question (maybe)

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Jun 20, 2005
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I don't get to get up north that often to hike and no one I know can come with me this weekend. I have been cautioned not to go alone by some people. From what I have read/heard, there should be lots of people up there so I will not be part of a group but will encounter plenty of others (maybe too many?). Weather report seems good and I plan to stick to the trail, bring the right gear/H2O, etc. I hiked the Black Mountain/Ponds Loop at Lake George alone last weekend after the monsoon without issue.
Not sure what the question is... :) Should you go?

Conventional wisdom aside (i.e. never hike alone, blaa, blaa blaa :) ), one will most certainly NOT be alone on Giant this weekend and I wouldn't NOT GO (unless I uncomfortable with the idea of a solo hike) because I couldn't find a partner.

It's a good solo peak, due to the normal crowds found. Pick a popular route (Like the Zander Scott - Ridge Trail or Roaring Brook) and you'll be fine. Take the normal High Peak precautions and go for it.

If you taking the time to seek advice on here, than your probably smart enough to do the required pre-hike study to "know the route" beforehand.

It's short, but steep, but there is plenty to look at while you rest. GO and HAVE fun.
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There are great benefits to being alone on the trail. You'll notice the sounds of your breathing and your boots, the birds, creeks, feeder streams etc. You'll go at a pace that is truly your own and enter a head space that very few people ever experience.... It's all very soothing and zen. But if you hike a highway like Giant you won't get any of that (Plus, it's a long weekend in Quebec and half the province will be in the Dacks - you'll hear more french than english spoken this weekend). My advice is to pick a trail and a summit that see less traffic.

BTW, I just did (tuesday) a solo hike on Dix. I bet I was taking a greater risk on the highway than hiking alone on the trail. I left my itinerary with my wife, signed out, trod carefully etc. and had a great day.

It's the degree of familiarity of the risk that either makes us hesitate or go ahead unthinkingly.
Go for Giant. It'll be a great time. The only time you'll be with crowds is at the summit, or if you choose to hike with others. I've hiked Giant solo 5 or 6 times and been alone on the trail 95% of the time. The summit wraps around and you can go find some space to be by yourself, or hang with others and be sociable. Or both! The perspective from Giant is great, as you can see into Vermont (take the herd paths that lead east to viewpoints) and you can look through many of the great passes and notches between ranges. Plan on lounging and gazing up there for a while.
Some of my greatest memories are from solo hiking. However, make sure you leave an itinerary of where you're going, avoid any off trail hiking , and don't overdo your limits. Besides, the pace is always what YOU want it to be.
I wouldn't worry too much about hiking Giant alone. Just be careful to stay on the trail (which isn't tough) and you'll be fine. I expect you'll see plenty of people on the trail at times also. Giant is great...some nice slab walking (up fairly steep rock slabs with great views) and a great view from the top....Just be careful and have fun!

you should not woory about doing giant solo, the trail is easy to follow. I would get a early start (I started out at 8:00 in the mourning and only had a few people on the summit. I think it get crowded in the afternoon). Besides, the people you meet on the trail gives you an excuse to stop and rest for a chat. Believe me, you will want plenty of times to "chat". :)