Giant Mtn 12-22-2009

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Trail head from Route 73 to summit. Temperatures in the single digits. Wore snow shoes all the way to summit. Trail nicely packed down. Wind at summit was about 20 mph so did not spend too much time there. Trees are frocked with rhine ice.

On way back we were met by hikers going up with no gear, hiking in sneakers and blue jeans. One of them wanted to know why we were wearing snow shoes. He said his feet were cold and wet and his fingers were numb but they were determined to get to the top of Giant.

Later he and his buddy caught up with us on the way down. They were celebrating his buddy's 26th birthday and decided to do Giant on a whim. We convinced him to change his socks and gave him some feet warmers. They thanked us and hurried on their way. At the register I noticed they didn't check out - not sure if they just forgot or took the Roaring Brook trail out.

Equipment: I would have suggested snow shoes, micro spikes, trekking poles and winter clothing but I guess sneakers and blue jeans will work.

Comments: This is Muddytrails and my 5th winter peak.