gore mtn foot trail?


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I don't care what anyone says, there is no shaffer trail (forgive the spelling) on Gore Mtn. Three years ago I went back and forth at the bottom of the mountain and could not find anything resembleing a trail, so I took the road to the top. Yesterday I found what looked like it "maybe" be the trail. Looked like a washout. A few hundred feet in it looked like a definate trail. At 500 feet into the climb I finally saw my first blue marker! finally! At 600 feet just before the road, a sign pointer right saying foot trail that way. Twenty feet into the trail i saw a blue marker but nothing after that. I scanned the forest for either a blue marker or some sign of a foot trail. I could find neither so instead of becoming lost I went back to the road. At the bridge there was a sign that said "last chance, heavy contruction no hikers beyond this point." Great I figured. I just drove 2 hours for nothing. I looked to the right, and what did I see :eek: , blue markers. I followed them for 30 feet and trail turned left and crossed the creek? Why not cross at the bridge? I saw at that point a arrow pointing left with blue markers. I followed it for 50 feet and trail was so over grown I said crap! I am going back to the road no matter what the sign said. There will be no contruction on sunday. Coming down just off the summit I met a hiker who said he followed the trail but it was a mess. He had a small dog and I suggested he take the road back down. What gives? I don't think they want anyone hiking there anymore.

Also, are they planning a road to the summit? Right below the first summit there is a curve that the rock has been blasted to reveal a huge cliff. They wouldn't go through the expence of this unless it was for a highway.
There was a very distinct trail starting from the bottom 2 or 3 years ago. It did seem to end near the very top, but only the last quarter of a mile. There were signs all over the place, about mountain biking, hiking, etc. A couple of nice view points as well. Sorry you had such a tough time! :(

(If I can find any pics tonight that help, I will post them).
The trail was created about ten years ago, but it is little used. It has been closed on and off over the last couple summers due to construction on the mountain. When a trail is lightly used, and sometimes closed, it does not take long for it to become very hard to follow.

When I hiked it in its first year, I also noticed that the trail crosses the brook independently of the bridge. I think the thought of the trail designer was to use the road as little as possible.

Most people who take the trail stop either at Lookout Rock overlooking the East side of the ski area, near the leanto), or they continue to the Saddle (mid mountain lodge at the top of the East triple chair).

Like any ski area, work roads cover the mountain, and the roads continue up to the top. The recent blasting, however, was not for roads, but for ski trails. About ten years ago, it was decided to run a Gondola to the top of the bump known as Bear Mountain. The south and SE sides of Bear have a moderate slope, so it was possible to cut ski trails on those sides without modifying the grade (Top Ridge, Pine Knot, etc.). However, the East side is very steep, and blasting was required to create moderate trails down from Bear on that side.

If you stopped at Lookout Rock, the large blasted ramp you were looking at is the trail Foxlair, completed several years ago, which provides a "blue square" route to join Sunway on the East side. If you continued up past the Saddle, and walked up toward the summit, the large blasted switchback you were looking at is the newer Ruby Run, completed just a couple years ago, which provides the much needed easy way down to the Saddle from Bear.

My observation has been that Gore, like most ski mountains, is much better for skiing than for hiking.
