Gothics, Armstrong, UWJ, Pyramid - 7/28/10

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I started out of the Ausable Club and went up the Weld trail, over Pyramid, picked up the Range trail down the ridgeline and back down the Wedge trail, and the West river trail back to the lake road. The weather was pretty nice for the day, it was warm but not too hot and only one quick sprinkle of rain during the hike. The trails were in great shape, relatively dry and clear of blowdown (one minor blowdown coming off of UWJ), a big change of pace from the last couple hikes I've done in the Sewards and Redfield and Cliff. Even though it was the middle of the week, with nice weather and such an amazing mountain (Gothics) there were a number of people on the trail, but still quiet enough to enjoy being out in nature and the mountain wilderness. This was my first time over these peaks as I am working towards my 46 and the much heralded view from Pyramid and Gothics did not disappoint! The trail was a fun hike even though it was quite rugged.

Required: hiking boots, poles help, camera and a love of awesome views!
