Gothics via Pyramid Peak & Beaver Falls

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25 April

Lake Road is dry. Snow starts around .5 mile after starting Pyramid Peak Trail. There is still lots of snow. Most stream crossings are snow covered. On the way up there were 2 crossings, both which required a bit of looking before leaping as water levels are high. We had stabilizers on and had to be careful to avoid post holing. The descent from Pyramid Peak towards Gothics has a couple of steep icy sections that required care. The descent down Beaver Creek trail was tricky. The traverse across alternated rocks, mud, ice and snow. The descent wasn't your typical quick winter descent due to post holing risks. Some wet sections, lots of snow bridges over water on the verge of collapsing. Some people in a group we passed had MSR snowshoes, and these may have been better as I only noticed 1 MSR sized post hole and there are hundreds of boot sized post holes.

special equipment: stabilizers useful, light snowshoes probably better, poles.

Comments: fabulous weather and magnificent views