GPS signal near Indian Lake NY

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I have been up in Indian Lake twice in the last 3 weeks and cannot get a GPS signal with my Garvin or my smart Phone. Not talking about cell phone but Satalite. I drove down route 28 a few miles and got coverage near Gore? What gives:confused:

Also, is there going to be construction on route 8 near Nobleboro? There are 3 traffics lights hanging where there wern't any 3 weeks ago.
GPS satellites aren't stationary in orbit, so signals can be better at certain times than at others. Since it only happened twice, I'd guess that it's just a coincidence that you happened to be in the same place both times, and by the time you'd relocated, enough satellites had come over the horizon to give you a better signal.

There is a website where you can punch in a location, and it tells you when the best times in the near future are to get the best GPS signals. The URL unfortunately escapes my memory, but I think it was a government site. A google search didn't help either. :(
GPS signals should be receivable anywhere on earth at any time provided you have a good enough skyview. Valleys (especially tight valleys) and foliage often obstruct the skyview and reduce the number of observable satellites. (A minimum of 4 are required for a fix.)

You didn't say which model GPS. A modern high-sensitivity will do much better than older units in less-than-perfect viewing conditions.

There have also been local "blackouts" due to interference from some local source--GPS signals are pretty weak (they require a special receiver to pull them out of the background noise--you won't even detect them with an ordinary radio receiver).

DSettahr said:
GPS satellites aren't stationary in orbit, so signals can be better at certain times than at others. Since it only happened twice, I'd guess that it's just a coincidence that you happened to be in the same place both times, and by the time you'd relocated, enough satellites had come over the horizon to give you a better signal.

There is a website where you can punch in a location, and it tells you when the best times in the near future are to get the best GPS signals. The URL unfortunately escapes my memory, but I think it was a government site. A google search didn't help either.
This is primarily an issue for surveyors--the constellation geometry affects the accuracy of the position fixes. If you have a decent skyview, you can virtually always get a fix of adequate accuracy for hiking. And if the constellation geometry is poor (eg the observable satellites are all in a straight line), it will change in a short time.

FWIW, I have had difficulty getting a fix under trees with my old (original) Garmin eTrex Vista, but have never had any problem receiving satellites with a reasonable skyview with my (high-sensitivity) Garmin 60CSx.

I have been up in Indian Lake twice in the last 3 weeks and cannot get a GPS signal with my Garvin or my smart Phone. Not talking about cell phone but Satalite. I drove down route 28 a few miles and got coverage near Gore? What gives:confused:.
The other factors are how long has it been since the unit was last turned on, and how far away was it from Indian Lake where it last received a fix? Particularly with older units, it can take many minutes to initialize - it has to "learn" where to expect specific satellite signals for your new location and time. The drive down Rte 28 probably provided enough additional time for it to lock on.