Grace day cancellation!

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
My dog tore her ligament this mouring and is scheduled for a thursday operation. The 2 weeks after that she will have to wear the collor and be under strict supervision. That means I cannot do panther on grace day. I have built myself up all summer for the next 3 weeks. My plan was to vacation this week from wednesday on to do 3 peaks (there goes my vacation and my $100 deposite on my vacation place). I was going to do santanoni and panther on grace day, and finish up my 46th on my 50th birthday. Your 50th only comes once (So much for the plans of mice and men). Good thing I love that dog so much! Someone has to step up and take it over for me. I hate breaking commitments but Bailey had other plans. There is no way I can leave her over the next 3 months so I am done for the year :(
good luck and I will be thinking of you guys on the 26th. I will look forward to the trip reports and pictures but will view them with a heavy heart