Graham Mtn in Catskills

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Sep 4, 2003
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Does the herd path to this mountain get use in the winter? Can I expect trail to be broken out? Tentatively plan this next weekend in conjunction with a hike to Balsam Mountain Lake. I want to give the owner notice if I plan on hiking this peak.
Hey Carol... I've done Graham from the access roads and also from Doubletop. As far as I know, I've never asked anybody for permission even though it is on private property. I've done Graham twice, once on a really long hike/bushwack from Biscuit Brook via Doubletop, and another from a hike over Balsam Lake then to Graham from Alder lake. (this was in hunting season) and we ran into 4 college students from Colgate U on the summit of Graham. (I'll bring the graham crackers...:) )

As far as being broken out... can't say, it's not a "winter" peak but if the last significant snowfall when we get there is still last week 1/22-1/23 then there may be a good chance that at least somebody has done Graham by the 12th... So far, all I see here in the NYC area is a possible wintry mix on Friday, but I haven't checked the catskill conditions.


P.S. There's the leanto just south of Balsam Lake Mtn that would be an option. Of course, the hunters will camp in the parking lot for Balsam Lake too but I think the leanto would be nicer! :)
Hey Carol,

Seems like this hike my friend took me on last Sat gets a lot of use..We made it to the lean-to like Jay said but we turned around..Catskill 3500 went out on sun a different way and hit both peaks..just saw a posting by the ADK long island chapter doing Graham and possibly Balsam lake this coming sat. Very weird?..I'd like to go again on sat but i'm losing my courage (not the hike but asking my wife if i can go, guess u know who wears the pants in this house!) teejay is going on the same hike 2/13..will watch and wait , maybe i need to see the wizard and ask for some courage!..David..good luck with your team..
Warren, I have the guys number. I think you gave it to me the last time I needed it.

Coldfeet I will be in the Catskills on 2/12 and 2/13. ADK46r4487 and I will be camping (car) and hiking both days. Teejay and Crazymamma will be there on Sun. I've already done Balsam Mountain Lake and it is nice firetower peak. I did the Drybrook trail which TeeJay has suggested. This is an old jeep road. It was easy in Oct when there was no snow. Due to weather in Oct, I did not hike Graham so I would like to try with this probable rehike of Balsam Mt Lake. I know on certain weekends, the crew that maintains the tower has the hut on top (the old caretakers home) open and has a fire going in the wood burning stove. I am going to check which weekend in Feb.

Jay - are you up for this hike or do you have something diff planned for Sun?
Yes Carol, I've actually emailed TJ about it.. Like mentioned here, Balsam Lake is a nice firetower and a nice hike. I can use that to count for my winter peaks.. hahahaha. Actually I think I've already done those in winter season, just I never recorded the date. No matter. The hut at the top is in very good shape. The last time I was there, a friend and I were commenting on how new the exhaust tower on top of the cabin looked.

The Catskills 3500 tally list never mentioned about getting permission, just to respect the property which I already do, whether it's private or not. I never got permission from anybody when I did graham, but now I'm curious.

Sounds like this will be a gathering of new and old friends. Coldfeet - hey man put the pants back on, you have to be there. This will be my first trip into the Catskills and I am looking forward to seeing something new. The only fire tower I have ever been on resides outside the old Squaw Point Winery in the Finger Lakes.
I called the owner back in 2001 (or was it 02) when I climbed Graham - He was very pleasant and appreciated that I contacted him, I don;t know what I did with the number, but back when I subscribed to the 3500 list, there were plenty of folks who knew it.
Graham is on private property and they like for you to call before you hike this mountian. I think the Catskill 3500 club has the info on their site? When I called last fall, I got an answering machine (tried 2x) and left a message with my name, phone number, date of the hike and the # of hikers. I didn't receive a return call so I assumed to was OK.
You can call William J. Scholl at (845) 586-4056 for permission to hike Graham and Doubletop. He is the caretaker.

The Catskill Canister, the 3500 Club newsletter, publishes his name & number every now and then, so there should be no problem posting it here.

Have fun,

I called Bill Scholl when I did these and he was very pleasant about giving permission. The above number is the one I used a couple of years ago.
If you don't mind one more, I may be up for this as well. Let me see if I have this right-you'll be in the Catskills on Feb. 12th and 13th, and you're hiking Balsam Lake Mt and Graham Mt on Sunday the 13th. Is that correct?
I've done both peaks, but neither in winter.

Forget about wearing the pants, I'm in trouble today. I'll be lucky if i get to wear shorts! If i get off this computer and fold laundry i might bring up the subject to u know who. I even put the picture of me on cabot thanking her on the computer screen..she didn't even notice :(

Daxs..what u doing on the 12th?...3500 club is going to Hunter and southwest hunter, is that close to u?
Gee I should probably out this on the trip site but details are unfolding still as I type. Sat I was thinking of spotting cars and doing Slide-Cornell and Wittenberg. Exact times TBD. ADK46r4487 and I will be camping at the Phoenicia campground since its open in the winter so that puts us close to any number of hikes. Sun was open but since several of my VFTT hiking buddies are doing Balsam Mountain Lake I figured I would do it a second time but nab Graham while I am up that way.

Coldfeet - maybe a day at a spa to let your wife get away, on another weekend of course, would be a significant enough of a bribe.........

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