Gray Knob/Adams 4 9/18-19/10

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Kevin Judy and Emma

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2007
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Kingston, NH.

A Hut Where Emma is Welcome!

Adams 4 5356'

The Link, The Amphibrach, Spur Trail, Hincks Trail, Lowe's Path

4.5 miles 3400' elevation gain

Kevin, Judy, and Emma met Jim and Kari @ Gray Knob Cabin

In the spirit of trying something new and getting out into the mountains to cover new territory we set off to Gray Knob Cabin. Let's suffice to say if I endeavor to return it will be undoubtedly sans Jude and Emma who weren't as all about the experience as I was. Despite the reservations they both settled in nicely and spent the late afternoon high on Nowell Ridge with me, sitting atop Adams 4 as the sunset behind the clouds and the moon rose over Mount Adams. A fine, fine way to spend the end of a long day of travel and hard work toting enough up there to spend the night.


Late Afternoon View from Adams 4

it was dark soon after the sun hit the clouds and supper had to be made by headlamp in the dark reaches of the cabin. The lantern over the table barely lit the table and provided little light to the rest of the cabin, which was fine. Boiled water poured into a packet of unpronounceable ingredients is never a good supper, but after the struggle to get to this point the warmth of the food was a friendly reminder of the joy of some camaraderie in the wilderness. We played some cribbage before turning in early.


Moonrise Over Adams

The hope had been to catch sunrise from the summit of Adams, but we knew there was rain moving in after midnight. It never really did rain, but it brought a warm, foggy blend of mist and wet which hung over us at daybreak dampening any hopes of good sunrise photography. Being the old man in the group I let the younger, more ambitious photographers get up at 4:30 to go out and check on the conditions. The early bird might catch the worm, but those who wait are rewarded. I rolled over in my warm bag and closed my eyes again.


Windblown Sedgemonkey

After a quick breakfast of tea and a snack bar I jammed all my stuff back into my pack and hoisted it onto my aching back. I wished there was a way I could carry Jude's, too. After our good-byes we started down the wet, muddy, slippery trail. I managed to fall about 3 times just on the Hincks Trail. I just get frustrated and try to go too fast. Below the Hincks Trail there are fewer rocks and somewhat better footing and I managed to stay on my feet the rest of the way. The Amphibrach is one of the more forgiving trails in the Northern Presidentials and descending along it there were many emerald waterfalls to stop and enjoy, or submerge in if you are Emma.


Muted Sunset

Despite her fatigue and the wet conditions coupled with a poor night's sleep, Jude made it down without incident or complaint. Emma had slept well, snoring along with the other inevitable snorer in the cabin, and never missing a wink was no worse for wear on the way out than when she had hiked up the day before. Honestly, I'm much more comfortable in a tent, but wouldn't say no to a return trip. Jude and Emma will stick to the tent!


On the Way Down Next Morning


Chandler Falls

Full set of Pics HERE:
