Gray Knob

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Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
I'm heading up for the night on Dec 2nd and was wondering if anyone has hiked the Lowe's Path recently. I have checked the RMC site as well as the VFTT's trail conditions, and have not found any new information concerning removal of earlier blow downs. Since the RMC site cautions anyone hiking to the Perch via the Lowe’s Path and should find an alternate route, I was just wondering if that information still holds true or some of the blow downs have been removed.
you can email the RMC - they will get back to you withing a day or 2 (they have for me in the past) - try calling them as well -

I have not been up there this year - but have spent a good amount of time up there in the past few winters (I love that area). It think it is a better chance than not - that the trails will be clear. The RMC is typically pretty good with the main paths and perch is open year round - my guess would be it should be good by that time. just an educated guess though -

I can guarenntee views people up there this weekend - sure there will be "intelligence" on the RMC paths come monday!
Now that I have your attention, I have another question. I and a friend will be heading up to the ridge after spending the night at Gray Knob and hopefully hiking to Pinkham via Gulfslide to Lion Head to Tuckerman. We will have a car spotted at Pinkham as well as Lowe’s store. If the weather is too severe on Saturday, we will head down Lowe’s Path. If the weather is good, we will hike to Pinkham. If, however, we make it to Jefferson and the weather begins to change, which escape route would you take. Remember, we will have a car at Lowe’s store and at Pinkham. Thanks.
here is my take on it - others may pipe in with diff options

you should be able to judge the weather from edmunds col - it is here in fact a few times in winter I have been forced to bag jefferson attempts. Can't stress that enough - if its bad on the col its worse above - head back to RMC land. check the map but think its randolph path to grey knob path - or something like that - there is a trail that takes you back to that area.

if you do get caught on jeff and your in the deep doodoo - you have a couple of options

1)head back via edmunds col (same path as above)

2) Nice thing about cog being open now in winter is base road is plowed - take gulfside to jewell you should be able to use a phone or maybe even get a ride from the cog if your in a pinch. - the problem is the wind can be tough here in bad weather - you can use the jewell bailout until the wash cone really. after that - your probably better off heading for lions head after wash summit. (you know that tho)

3)head down cap ridge - not advised as it will be a hell of a long slog out jeff notch road (Unplowed) - but if you need to hit the trees fast - option to note as last resort. I wouldn't do it though - I would take my chances down the jewell or back via edmunds col.

also the castle trail to bowman - but probably unbroken - but an option if all esle fails.

I would avoid any of the great gulf trails as bailouts - long routes back to route 16.
hope this helps
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Two trips ago to Gray Knob, I hit bad weather after reaching the ridge. I ended up taking Six Husbands down to the Great Gulf and out to Pinkham. As you undoubtedly know, it wasn’t fun. I would rather not repeat that trip, so I would most likely head back to Lowe’s Path if I hit weather before summiting Jefferson.
giggy said:
that could be an interesting way to head down - the worst part would probably be the snowthrash back to pinkham -

Six Husbands itself wasn't all that bad. It was hiking to Pinkham through the Gulf that was a pain.
I’ve decided to adjust my trip a tad and park a car at the Cog parking lot instead of Pinkham. Not knowing what the weather will be like on Saturday, the Cog spot should give me more options. The only thing that I am concerned about is what effect the upcoming warm front will have on the snow pack on the ridge. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks
Thanks Kevin. Our plan is to hike to Gray Knob or Crag, drop our packs, and then hike to Adams. We will spend the night at Gray or Crag and then depending on the weather hike back to the ridge. Once we hit the ridge, we should be able to gauge the weather coupled with the forecast from the caretaker. If it looks iffy, we head back down and to our car at Lowe’s store. If the weather is pristine, we head over Jefferson and down Jewell to our car. I made the mistake a couple years ago of hiking to the ridge solo with my car parked at Pickham and having to bail down Six Husband. I will not repeat that mistake.
As of now the weather forecast for Saturday doesn’t look promising, I will however keep my fingers crossed.
kevin has provided some great info here. I re-read my post and just want to add that while I said RMC paths should be ok - I meant the ones to the huts and shelters that the caretaker uses to collect the fees - everything else probably won't be broken. When you get there - the caretaker should be able to give you a good assement of the situation.

can't wait to hear about it as I am heading up the next weekend!