Gray, Marcy, Haystack...03-10

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Some of us are planning a 4:30 start from the Loj and we will be attempting Marcy-Gray-Marcy-Haystack-Basin-Saddleback-Garden (or St-Huberts). There are lots of bailout options en route none of which we hope to exercise. :rolleyes:

If you enjoy trailbreaking and spruce traps this could be your lucky day!

Let me know if a segment or all of this hike interests you. (One of our crew will be hiking from the Loj to Haystack on Friday in order to ensure that that the segment from the Van Ho-Phelps junction will be packed out.)

If you want to hike up the Orebed to Saddleback then bring a radio and a bottle of champagne. If we make it all the way it will be my 46th winter peak. :)
Due to spousal desire to accompany me when I finish the 46-W we will probably edit Marcy/Gray out of the itinerary and consider adding on Gothics and maybe the WJ's.
He told me he was still going to do some trailbreaking on Friday but now I doubt he'll bother to do Haystack from the Loj.