Green Mountain via Dearborn Trail 11/30/08

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Sep 8, 2005
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Somewhere in NH
Mountain: Green Mountain

Trail: Dearborn Trail

Date hiked: 11/30/08

Conditions: Lots of leaves covering the trail, but easy to follow.

Special Equipment Required: Warm hat.

Comments:I'm not sure I really looked at the map before I followed my directions to the Dearborn Trail's head. If anyone else cares to go, you should know that you may travel 20 plus miles north on Route 153 from where it leaves Route 16 in Wakefield, NH, traveling through the slow roads of Americana and quaint quintessential New England before you arrive at the marker and turnoff for Hobbs Road. Instead, I would highly recommend taking Route 25 from Route 16, then to Route 153 South to Hobbs Road, especially if you are pressed for time.

Hobbs Road is paved with dirt, but fortunately, you only have to travel 1.1 miles to reach the trailhead up Green Mountain. The metallic yellow blazes lead the way over easy terrain. There was a dusting of snow on the trail as I headed up this afternoon. I have never been up Green Mountain this way, having always taken the Highwatch Route. It was pleasant enough, and only marred by a few stray blowdowns that were easily avoided.

At the summit, a family clad in dungarees, sneakers, and sweatshirts departed as I arrived. They had taken the Highwatch Route. I was carrying full winter gear, in hopes of running into a lot more snow... maybe next time!