Guthook's iPhone Apps

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Jan 19, 2009
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Hey everybody, I thought I'd mention this here, although it's of limited appeal so far...

I've been working in semi-secret for the past year on making a set of iPhone-based hiking guides, and the first of (hopefully) many was released yesterday. Right now I'm focusing on the Pacific Crest Trail (working with a pal of mine, who also publishes a guidebook for the PCT), but Monadnock and the Camden Hills are lined up for later this spring. Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll also have a few apps out for other parts of New England (I won't say which, but it wouldn't be hard to guess).

It's still a work in progress, but check it out sometime:
They look like great apps, Guthook. I'll be looking forward to the, um, NE version's release. That, and the iPhone 5 release! :D
Thanks Marnof. I'm actually much more excited about the New England areas, since they are what I had in mind when I first started this project. I'll be sure to let you and the rest of the world know when they're ready :)
I've been waiting for an app with features like yours to justify buying a iPhone (or smartphone in general). Not that there's anything wrong with Angry Birds, per se.:D I just haven't found a need for one yet. That, and I've been waiting to pull the trigger until Apple makes a 4G/LTE phone. I hate getting tech that's outdated in a few months, although it's unavoidable sometimes. But your app's localized features and points of interest have put it on my must have list.
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Well, I don't know if I would buy a phone just for one app, but do as you will ;)

I actually wanted to get the iphone for whenever I do another long distance hike. The amount of time I wasted in trying to find internet access in towns on my PCT hike was pretty stupid. And the town guides for hikers didn't have a whole lot of information on the larger trail towns like Mammoth Lakes or Ashland. It's an extra gadget to have to worry about, but mighty useful when you're on a multi-month trip with not a lot of carrying capacity.