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July 25, 2009: Hale – Zealand – The Bonds (H/Z/B) Traverse
Trails: Hale Brook Trail, Lend-A-Hand Trail, Twinway, Zealand Spur, Bondcliff Trail, West Bond Spur, Wilderness Trail
Summits: Mt. Hale, Zealand Mtn., Mt. Guyot, W. Bond, Mt. Bond, Bondcliff
Hikers: Loanshark (Skip Otto), Liz Otto, Trail Trotter (Sue) and me.
I really enjoy meeting new people and yesterday we had the pleasure of hiking with Liz and Skip Otto (aka Loanshark). They ended the day with thirty-six completed on their White Mountain Four Thousand Footers List. Sue and I ended the day with a personal hiking challenge for the month successfully finished. And, we all ended the day with a couple new friends. It was a great day for sure.
Last year Sue and I had a little extra fun with our August hiking. The short version of the story: we decided to hike a Four Thousand Footer for each day of the month – 31 peaks for the 31 days of August. We had limited hike days to work with. The weather conditions were terrible last year and we were hit with re-scheduling of hikes, once we were blown off the Northern Presidentials during a Presi Traverse attempt and had to salvage the day elsewhere. It was a tough month and after we finished Sue commented she may not want to do anything like that again. On January 31 of this year, we were riding in Fitz’s truck and returning from an attempt of a Southern Presi Traverse that didn’t go as planned. Out of the blue, Sue looked over her shoulder and asked if I was interested in another “31 in 31” this year – in July. The answer required no thought at all. I said yes and that I’d get to work on a hike plan. Last year, our 31 in 31 required six hikes. The initial plan for this year’s effort was five hikes but we recently experienced an unusual level of common sense and revised it to six. The H/Z/B Traverse was hike number six.
We met Skip and Liz at the Lincoln Woods Visitor Center at 5:00am to spot a vehicle, consolidate gear, and head to the trailhead lot for the Hale Brook Trail and the start of our hike. We set off five minutes earlier than planned. So far, things are looking good.
The conditions were overcast with a few scattered showers, a light breeze, and mild temperature. The Hale Brook Trail was clear, end-to-end. We made our way to the summit and completed a get-acquainted process on the way. Well ahead of plan we were at the clouded-in Hale summit cairn getting a few pictures. We also played with a compass and the magnetic rocks while we were there. After a short stop we were back into the hike on the Lend-A-Hand trail to Twinway. The Hale Brook Trail was relatively dry with little mud (being a generally steep trail it seems to drain well). Lend-A-Hand had some mud pits and was a little wetter, but still in great shape and clear end-to-end. We reached Twinway still ahead of plan and set off for the Zeacliff Spur. Hopefully, the clearing that was part of the NWS weather forecast would arrive and we would enjoy some nice views. We made the climb to the Zeacliff Spur. As we gained elevation the sun started to show itself occasionally. More elevation, more sun. We reached the spur and made the turn for some views. The clouds were high and broken. We expected a treat after making our way through the mud pits protecting Zeacliff. All of us were able to reach Zeacliff with relatively clean boots. The views were great. Some areas like the Willey Range and Presidentials were clouded in but areas to the south and north were open. After a quick snack we were on our way for Zealand.
From Zeacliff to Zealand there are more mud pits than dry trail. The hike was an endless test. We all passed. No slips, no falls, nobody stepping in the wrong place and sinking into her knees – a good, clean hike. We reached the Zealand Spur, made the turn into more mud pits, and carefully made our way to the summit clearing, cairn, and sign. The stop at Zealand didn’t take long and we were soon headed for the real prize for the day – Guyot and The Bonds.
The hike from Zealand to Guyot was much less muddy and more enjoyable. As we approached the open area before the summit of Guyot we saw high broken clouds and great views underneath to the surrounding summits. Beyond Guyot was W. Bond and Mount Bond. To the north the Twins were still clouded in.
We knew Ed Hawkins and crew were hiking a Bonds Traverse from the South and expected to see them somewhere in the vicinity of Mount Guyot. We reached Guyot, got some great pictures, and continued our hike South without seeing Ed and company. Perhaps they were running late, ran into problems, or decided to pull the plug on the hike due to the poor early conditions. We didn’t know. We were all enjoying a great day in the mountains and continued south on Bondcliff Trail headed for the W. Bond Spur. Shortly after passing the Guyot Campsite and starting the ascent to the W. Bond Spur we met Wolfgang (part of Ed's group), and the others were close behind (Ed and Gary Tompkins). Everything stopped and we enjoyed a great visit. Wolfgang had completed his June “Grid” hikes and the Bonds Traverse would complete his July “Grid” hikes. He certainly seems to be making good progress toward a terrific personal goal of hiking the Grid. Good luck with subsequent month’s completions. After an appropriate amount of light conversation and jokes we were all back into our hikes. All of us had a good distance to cover before we were done for the day.
A few minutes up the trail and we made the turn on the W. Bond Spur. I think we were all generally hungry and ready for a W. Bond picnic. It’s tough to find a better place for a picnic. Pick a rock – any rock, pull out the food, and enjoy 360 degree views with lunch. We managed to solicit photographic assistance from a couple in another group that was there when we arrived. With nice group shots, many distance shots, and lunch out of the way we u-turned to the Bondcliff Trail and Mount Bond. On the way out we came upon Mt. Drew hiking to Mount Bond. (Sorry again, Drew – but you had a beard before! Have you put on a few pounds?) We hit Bondcliff and turned south for the short walk to the summit of Mount Bond.
Approximately 3:00pm we reached Mount Bond, found a couple guys there enjoying their lunch, and asked for more help with pictures. After the pictures and enjoying the views for a while we continued south on Bondcliff to our final target for the day.
The exit from Mount Bond is a rough one. This is one of those White Mountain trails that are much more enjoyable in winter. Slowly and carefully we made our way through the rough scrambles leaving Bond and dropped below the scrub and into the open. From here it’s a clear hike to Bondcliff with an incredible view all of the way. Slowly we made our way across to Bondcliff. I believe we all took turns at getting pictures along the way. We reached and started up the final climb and were soon at the cliffs discussing the necessary Bondcliff picture. First Liz headed out to the cliff, then Sue, then me, and then Skip (after mumbling something like “if she can do it – so can I”). We enjoyed Bondcliff for a time and continued our hike and the final nine miles back to Lincoln Woods.
The Bondcliff Trail between Bondcliff and the Wilderness Trail is an endless test. Actually, the non-stop mud pits that increase in frequency, size, and depth as elevation drops served the purpose of making the Wilderness Trail seem much better than it really was. By the time we reached the Wilderness Trail we were definitely ready for a change – any change. The final mile before the Wilderness Trail is as muddy as muddy gets. With a sigh of relief we hit the Wilderness Trail, made the right turn, and set off for Lincoln Woods – 4.7 miles and an unknown number of old railroad ties away. A little over an hour and a half later we arrived at the Lincoln Woods suspension bridge. As usual, the bridge did some swaying as we crossed (with Sue’s help), we made our way to the truck, did a quick clean-up of sorts, and took off for the trailhead lot for the Hale Brook Trail to retrieve the other vehicle.
The day was a little questionable at the start but it really came around. Sometimes you just need to trust the forecast. Thanks to Liz and Skip for great company on the traverse. Hopefully you have good memories from the day and will return for more. Sue and I really enjoyed hiking with you. Congratulations on reaching #36 of 48 completed. Now, plan a long weekend and clean up the rest.
Thanks Sue for a terrific and fun “31 in 31” for July (actually 32, but who’s counting?). Maybe now we can do some crazy hikes.
Pictures will follow.

I’ve posted some pictures from the day. As usual, the views from the Bonds were great. We had some clouds but they just made the pictures more interesting.
BIGEarl's Pictures
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Trails: Hale Brook Trail, Lend-A-Hand Trail, Twinway, Zealand Spur, Bondcliff Trail, West Bond Spur, Wilderness Trail
Summits: Mt. Hale, Zealand Mtn., Mt. Guyot, W. Bond, Mt. Bond, Bondcliff
Hikers: Loanshark (Skip Otto), Liz Otto, Trail Trotter (Sue) and me.
I really enjoy meeting new people and yesterday we had the pleasure of hiking with Liz and Skip Otto (aka Loanshark). They ended the day with thirty-six completed on their White Mountain Four Thousand Footers List. Sue and I ended the day with a personal hiking challenge for the month successfully finished. And, we all ended the day with a couple new friends. It was a great day for sure.
Last year Sue and I had a little extra fun with our August hiking. The short version of the story: we decided to hike a Four Thousand Footer for each day of the month – 31 peaks for the 31 days of August. We had limited hike days to work with. The weather conditions were terrible last year and we were hit with re-scheduling of hikes, once we were blown off the Northern Presidentials during a Presi Traverse attempt and had to salvage the day elsewhere. It was a tough month and after we finished Sue commented she may not want to do anything like that again. On January 31 of this year, we were riding in Fitz’s truck and returning from an attempt of a Southern Presi Traverse that didn’t go as planned. Out of the blue, Sue looked over her shoulder and asked if I was interested in another “31 in 31” this year – in July. The answer required no thought at all. I said yes and that I’d get to work on a hike plan. Last year, our 31 in 31 required six hikes. The initial plan for this year’s effort was five hikes but we recently experienced an unusual level of common sense and revised it to six. The H/Z/B Traverse was hike number six.
We met Skip and Liz at the Lincoln Woods Visitor Center at 5:00am to spot a vehicle, consolidate gear, and head to the trailhead lot for the Hale Brook Trail and the start of our hike. We set off five minutes earlier than planned. So far, things are looking good.
The conditions were overcast with a few scattered showers, a light breeze, and mild temperature. The Hale Brook Trail was clear, end-to-end. We made our way to the summit and completed a get-acquainted process on the way. Well ahead of plan we were at the clouded-in Hale summit cairn getting a few pictures. We also played with a compass and the magnetic rocks while we were there. After a short stop we were back into the hike on the Lend-A-Hand trail to Twinway. The Hale Brook Trail was relatively dry with little mud (being a generally steep trail it seems to drain well). Lend-A-Hand had some mud pits and was a little wetter, but still in great shape and clear end-to-end. We reached Twinway still ahead of plan and set off for the Zeacliff Spur. Hopefully, the clearing that was part of the NWS weather forecast would arrive and we would enjoy some nice views. We made the climb to the Zeacliff Spur. As we gained elevation the sun started to show itself occasionally. More elevation, more sun. We reached the spur and made the turn for some views. The clouds were high and broken. We expected a treat after making our way through the mud pits protecting Zeacliff. All of us were able to reach Zeacliff with relatively clean boots. The views were great. Some areas like the Willey Range and Presidentials were clouded in but areas to the south and north were open. After a quick snack we were on our way for Zealand.
From Zeacliff to Zealand there are more mud pits than dry trail. The hike was an endless test. We all passed. No slips, no falls, nobody stepping in the wrong place and sinking into her knees – a good, clean hike. We reached the Zealand Spur, made the turn into more mud pits, and carefully made our way to the summit clearing, cairn, and sign. The stop at Zealand didn’t take long and we were soon headed for the real prize for the day – Guyot and The Bonds.
The hike from Zealand to Guyot was much less muddy and more enjoyable. As we approached the open area before the summit of Guyot we saw high broken clouds and great views underneath to the surrounding summits. Beyond Guyot was W. Bond and Mount Bond. To the north the Twins were still clouded in.
We knew Ed Hawkins and crew were hiking a Bonds Traverse from the South and expected to see them somewhere in the vicinity of Mount Guyot. We reached Guyot, got some great pictures, and continued our hike South without seeing Ed and company. Perhaps they were running late, ran into problems, or decided to pull the plug on the hike due to the poor early conditions. We didn’t know. We were all enjoying a great day in the mountains and continued south on Bondcliff Trail headed for the W. Bond Spur. Shortly after passing the Guyot Campsite and starting the ascent to the W. Bond Spur we met Wolfgang (part of Ed's group), and the others were close behind (Ed and Gary Tompkins). Everything stopped and we enjoyed a great visit. Wolfgang had completed his June “Grid” hikes and the Bonds Traverse would complete his July “Grid” hikes. He certainly seems to be making good progress toward a terrific personal goal of hiking the Grid. Good luck with subsequent month’s completions. After an appropriate amount of light conversation and jokes we were all back into our hikes. All of us had a good distance to cover before we were done for the day.
A few minutes up the trail and we made the turn on the W. Bond Spur. I think we were all generally hungry and ready for a W. Bond picnic. It’s tough to find a better place for a picnic. Pick a rock – any rock, pull out the food, and enjoy 360 degree views with lunch. We managed to solicit photographic assistance from a couple in another group that was there when we arrived. With nice group shots, many distance shots, and lunch out of the way we u-turned to the Bondcliff Trail and Mount Bond. On the way out we came upon Mt. Drew hiking to Mount Bond. (Sorry again, Drew – but you had a beard before! Have you put on a few pounds?) We hit Bondcliff and turned south for the short walk to the summit of Mount Bond.
Approximately 3:00pm we reached Mount Bond, found a couple guys there enjoying their lunch, and asked for more help with pictures. After the pictures and enjoying the views for a while we continued south on Bondcliff to our final target for the day.
The exit from Mount Bond is a rough one. This is one of those White Mountain trails that are much more enjoyable in winter. Slowly and carefully we made our way through the rough scrambles leaving Bond and dropped below the scrub and into the open. From here it’s a clear hike to Bondcliff with an incredible view all of the way. Slowly we made our way across to Bondcliff. I believe we all took turns at getting pictures along the way. We reached and started up the final climb and were soon at the cliffs discussing the necessary Bondcliff picture. First Liz headed out to the cliff, then Sue, then me, and then Skip (after mumbling something like “if she can do it – so can I”). We enjoyed Bondcliff for a time and continued our hike and the final nine miles back to Lincoln Woods.
The Bondcliff Trail between Bondcliff and the Wilderness Trail is an endless test. Actually, the non-stop mud pits that increase in frequency, size, and depth as elevation drops served the purpose of making the Wilderness Trail seem much better than it really was. By the time we reached the Wilderness Trail we were definitely ready for a change – any change. The final mile before the Wilderness Trail is as muddy as muddy gets. With a sigh of relief we hit the Wilderness Trail, made the right turn, and set off for Lincoln Woods – 4.7 miles and an unknown number of old railroad ties away. A little over an hour and a half later we arrived at the Lincoln Woods suspension bridge. As usual, the bridge did some swaying as we crossed (with Sue’s help), we made our way to the truck, did a quick clean-up of sorts, and took off for the trailhead lot for the Hale Brook Trail to retrieve the other vehicle.
The day was a little questionable at the start but it really came around. Sometimes you just need to trust the forecast. Thanks to Liz and Skip for great company on the traverse. Hopefully you have good memories from the day and will return for more. Sue and I really enjoyed hiking with you. Congratulations on reaching #36 of 48 completed. Now, plan a long weekend and clean up the rest.
Thanks Sue for a terrific and fun “31 in 31” for July (actually 32, but who’s counting?). Maybe now we can do some crazy hikes.
Pictures will follow.
I’ve posted some pictures from the day. As usual, the views from the Bonds were great. We had some clouds but they just made the pictures more interesting.
BIGEarl's Pictures
Straight to the slideshow
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