Halloween on Marcy


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This weekend proved to be quite the test for my dog and I. Came in from the Garden on Friday afternoon with the intent of staying thru to Monday afternoon... for some reason I thought I remembered Saturday being the better day so... we got up Saturday and went to Marcy... (I was wrong) it rained all day, the trails were crazy slick and muddy but no ice... Marcy was the most extreme wind conditions I've yet to experience in the dacks - near 60+mph gusts (I'm guessing) - people were getting blown all over and some didn't seem to know whether to stay or go... at times I had to drop to the ground and hold on to my brave friend both tethered by leash and wrapped him midsection to keep from being blown off. It wasn't the best of conditions (to say the least) with very limited visibility... I would not have dared going up over past the plaque wall in those winds... but it worked... kind of left us both wondering why we do this again?

No ice or snow anywhere - just rain gear needed... and an extra pair of socks after the plank walk right at the start of the ridge (deep water right now)

It was a long cold night drying out and I was afraid the day had been too much for my aging little boy (10+ years) and decided to hike out (still wet) on Sunday afternoon and save my vacation day (Monday) for a better weekend.

So my dog (Zeke) did his 8th high peak in true north east bad conditions style - he's taking it easy and likes to repeat the ones with nice views most of the time :)

On the way out I was surprised how well the trails were fairing even with all the traffic and rain... I would say if the rain holds off most of this week then it will be prime time again on the JBL side for at least a couple more weekends before winter starts to settle in too hard.

-John & Zeke
Ithaca, NY