Hancock Notch Trail... around Mt Hancock, over Carrigan and back to the Hairpin Turn


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June 13, 2010

Route: Hancock Notch Tr., Sawyer River RD., Sawyer River Rd., Carrigan Brook Rd., Signal Ridge Tr., Mt Carrigan, Desolation Tr., Wilderness Tr., Cedar Brook Tr., Hancock Notch Trail.

Trail Conditions: All the trails were in fine condition except for the Hancock Notch Trail between the Cedar Brook Trail and Sawyer River Trail junctions. Near the height of land the trail occasionally follows the brook (Sawyer River). In these areas bootleg trails seem to cross the brook but quickly splinter or fade. This made the route difficult but not impossible to follow. Great care is required. Other sections near the notch were very
overgrown with balsams but the tread was easy to see. It wouldn't be fun on a rainy day. The Carrigan Brook Rd is mentioned in the AMC White Mountain Guide as an old, occasionally overgrown logging road. It has been cleared recently. There are a few side roads so care should be taken when using it as a connector but the main route is clear until within a few tenths of the Signal Ridge Trail. The crossing of Carrigan Brook is still unbridged.

Comments: This posting is late but the condition of the Hancock Notch Trail I felt should be mentioned and the Carrigan Brook Rd makes a good link for longer hikes (I also used it in 2002). I called this my Hancock Marathon because its a little longer than a marathon. It was great fun and not as hard as some of the other super-long hikes popular with some hikers. The frequent use of old RR and Roads was pleasant.

Scot, North Woodstock NH

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