New member
date: 9/29/12
trails: hancock notch trail, cedar brook trail, wilderness trail, thoreau falls trail, ethan pond trail, zealand trail
conditions: wet trail all the way. no rocks, roots, etc. could be trusted as many were quite greasy. significant standing water on cedar brook trail north of the height of land. minor mud on all trails with more significant patches on thoreau falls trail. one impressive washout on cedar brook trail and another on throeau falls trail along the river. irene effect quite evident in places, but nothing that effected travel too badly. went out and back to stillwater junction and trail was in nice shape. recent work on cedar brook trail before the hancock loop trail looked good as did the crew work done on hancock notch trail. for the most part trails were easy to follow and often followed old rail grade. some potentially confusing junctions where the trail left the grade on thoreau falls trail due to a lack of markings. all water crossings were ok at todays water levels. many would be quite difficult or dangerous at times of high water. thoreau falls trail bridge over the pemi was real neat and was in ok shape despite having clearly taken a good hit during last years storm.
equipment: nothing in particular.
comments: nice low land pemi pass through. numerous miles of new trail (to me). some pretty scenery and nice colors despite the overcast skies. was sad to see the left over junk at the former pemi suspension bridge site. it becomes apparent once out there just how inconvenient closing that section of trail is to backpackers, etc. (just ask the guys we met out there trying to get from thoreau falls trail to bondcliff trail....). hopefully the thoreau falls bridge doesn't suffer the same fate. lots of historical litter to ponder along the route. i imagine that with the leaves off the trees and clearer skies there could be some interesting views to hancock, bond, etc. thanks to jeremy for a good day.
trails: hancock notch trail, cedar brook trail, wilderness trail, thoreau falls trail, ethan pond trail, zealand trail
conditions: wet trail all the way. no rocks, roots, etc. could be trusted as many were quite greasy. significant standing water on cedar brook trail north of the height of land. minor mud on all trails with more significant patches on thoreau falls trail. one impressive washout on cedar brook trail and another on throeau falls trail along the river. irene effect quite evident in places, but nothing that effected travel too badly. went out and back to stillwater junction and trail was in nice shape. recent work on cedar brook trail before the hancock loop trail looked good as did the crew work done on hancock notch trail. for the most part trails were easy to follow and often followed old rail grade. some potentially confusing junctions where the trail left the grade on thoreau falls trail due to a lack of markings. all water crossings were ok at todays water levels. many would be quite difficult or dangerous at times of high water. thoreau falls trail bridge over the pemi was real neat and was in ok shape despite having clearly taken a good hit during last years storm.
equipment: nothing in particular.
comments: nice low land pemi pass through. numerous miles of new trail (to me). some pretty scenery and nice colors despite the overcast skies. was sad to see the left over junk at the former pemi suspension bridge site. it becomes apparent once out there just how inconvenient closing that section of trail is to backpackers, etc. (just ask the guys we met out there trying to get from thoreau falls trail to bondcliff trail....). hopefully the thoreau falls bridge doesn't suffer the same fate. lots of historical litter to ponder along the route. i imagine that with the leaves off the trees and clearer skies there could be some interesting views to hancock, bond, etc. thanks to jeremy for a good day.