Has anyone hiked Green Hills Preserve lately?


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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
I see some posts from early April but wondering if anyone has been up lately?. Its usually a good early season hike although Hurricane Mountain road can hang onto snow, but the trail on the other side of the brook usually melts out due to lack of traffic.
Last week most of the north facing slopes up high had a good amount of snow. Most of HMR was snow covered and the hiking/snowmobile trail to the top of Black Cap was 100% covered. The south facing slopes near Rattlesnake and the quarries are clear though.
I peaked past the gate on HMR last w/e. Road looked snow covered. I'm guessing that given the heavy snow pack this past winter, it's going to be a few more weeks.