Haystack via Van Hoevenberg 3/17/11


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Trail Conditions: Great packed snow the entire trail, with a couple inches of fresh stuff.
No challenging water crossings, and the only 1 that looks like has potential to get too high in near future offers a high bridge crossing. Conditions down to the col between Marcy junction and Haystack were soft packed powder - same up to Little Haystack. Used the bushwhack trail around Little Haystack that a group broke earlier in the week - thanks again Christine and Gary!...absolutely fabulous, no reason to choose to go over the bump. Summit spectacular conditioins, packed snow the entire way. Plenty of snow left for the weekend!

Special Equipment Required: Sufficient hard pack first 5+ miles. Snowshoes the whole way, no crampons were needed...almost unbelievable conditions for Haystack.

Comments: Blue sky and sun all day to boot!

w46er today - yay! (Pete B. too today!!)
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