"Heart of the White Mountains" CBC Dec. 17


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Sponsored by NH Audubon Society on Dec. 17:

[start quote] Christmas Bird Count: Crawford Notch
Calendar: Forestry and Wildlife Calendar
Posted by: Audubon Society of NH

Ammonoosuc Chapter, Audubon Society of NH
Join us on this brand-new Christmas Bird Count in the heart of the White Mountains.
This is an arduous CBC for physically fit, experienced, and equipped birders who can
hike or snowshoe in steep mountain terrain looking for boreal and mountain species.
Meet at the AMC Highland Center for breakfast. A compilation dinner will be held at 6
SPONSOR: Audubon Society of NH
FEE: $5.00
For more information contact David Govatski at 586-7776 or email:
[email protected] [end quote]

And some beta on the "side hunt," Frank Chapman, and the Xmas bird count origins:

2. Why was the Christmas Bird Count started?

The first CBC was done on Christmas Day of 1900 as an alternative activity to an event called the “side hunt” where people chose sides, then went out and shot as many birds as they could. The group that came in with the largest number of dead birds won the event. Frank Chapman, a famed ornithologist at the American Museum of Natural History and the editor of Bird-Lore (which became the publication of the National Association of Audubon Societies when that organization formed in 1905) recognized that declining bird populations could not withstand wanton over-hunting, and proposed to count birds on Christmas Day rather than shoot them.
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Thanks for posting this Waumbec. I posted this back onthe 21 of Nov;

"The AMC has posted the event. The Audubon Society will post a link any day now. Either contact me directly or contact the AMC for more info.
Here is a writeup from NH Audubon. http://www.nhaudubon.org/pdf/birdcount2004.pdf

This will be winter hiking with birds mixed in. We will have people on the ridges on both sides of Crawford Notch, Zealand Road, Bretton Woods etc. It is a good way to slow down and see the birds and learn from experienced birders."​

We currently have a group going up Pierce and over to Mizpah hut. One group in doing Jackson-Webster. Another is staying at lower elevations doing a loop around Lake Amanoosuc and over to Willard.
There is still alot of other areas we would cover if we had the people.

We are leaving the highland center at 7:30. The AMC will host a post event reception at the highland center. Please read the attachments for other details.

If anyone is interested please contact me directly so I can send along an information packet. (You could still contact David Govatsky but he will forward it me anyway.) [email protected]

