Hello from the Catskills


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
In case anyone was interested, the Catskills are mostly open. The caretaker of Graham and Doubletop still has a restriction on 'locals only' (a few surrounding counties).

The trails are packed on weekends. This seems to include Monday and Friday. Get to the parking lot early or have a plan B. Especially Hunter, Slide, Platte Clove area, and Panther.

The Kaaterskill Clove is the new hot spot, and is a disaster area. Avoid any day of the week, apparently. The Blue Hole is operating on a further reduced permit system. Diamond Notch falls might be the next new disaster area.

We just got a dump of rain last night, but overall it's been pretty dry. Some springs may not be running. There are some restrictions on camping, but you'll have to look them up for yourself.

The fire towers are sort of open. Some of the volunteers have returned to being at the towers. In all cases, you can climb the tower and get the views, but they warn you to wear a mask, and sanitize, etc. The cabins are not open. Speaking of fire towers, we have a new one now, on Rt. 28 at the Catskill Visitor Center.

The vast majority of hikers are practicing social distancing, either wearing masks as they approach, or stepping off the trail, or both.

Recent events:

  • A woman posted on facebook from the sub-summit of Twin, wondering where the canister is. (No canister and wrong peak)
  • We met several people on Panthers (sic) yesterday, that seemed to be clueless about where they were going. We also saw a couple carrying beach towels up to Giant Ledge. (No swimming for miles).
  • There was a rescue on Giant (ledge). Heat exhaustion. Bring plenty of water, and take it slow and easy.

I'm writing/updating the ADK's Guide to the Catskills, due out in 2109 (yeah!). Actually it's 2021 now, for various reasons. If you have comments, corrections or pictures that you'd like to share, let me know. Pics will have to look good in B/W, but can be sent in color.

Have fun and stay safe!