Hike This Weekend?


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Jan 8, 2004
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In honor of 40th Anniversary of The Grateful Dead playing their first concert, at the Fillmore in San Francisco**, I am thinking about doing an overnighter this Sat/Sun over in the Taconics. Mainly because it is in the proverbial backyard to where I live, and I love the place.

Mainly thinking of parking in Salisbury and hiking the AT north, maybe to Bear Mtn, back track a bit to Brassy Brook or Riga and use the shelter. I will probably have my small tent with me, but plan to use the shelter if space is available. With the snow predicted for Friday, and according to NOAA's site, maybe a chance of some snow on Sat night too, it should be a nice frosty winter wonderland up there.

Anyone interested? Nothing fancy planned, just an excuse to get out and do some hiking, maybe some snow shoeing if the weather cooperates, maybe a chance to walk around like Gene Simmons in your Crampons with wet snow balling up undernearth... Being the first snowy over nighter, just plan to take it easy on the hiking. Just a chance to get out and play with all the toys that have been packed away since last winter.

Let me know if you are interested, I plan to be at the RT41 trailhead in Salisbury early Sat am, some time around 9am.

Catch you all later...

**... I spend way too much time reading Wikipedia.org... Not too worry, no planned mind altering drugs to be consumed, unless you get high on ramen noodles and tuna fish, but hey, if that is your thing, knock yourself out. And no hours long drum circles or jam band sessions planned. :D Tie dyes and birkenstocks optional!
Kevin said:
Not too worry, no planned mind altering drugs to be consumed...And no hours long drum circles or jam band sessions planned...

I'm out.

Actually, a week-end in the fresh snow with no drugs or drums might be good for me.
I need to wife my schedule with a check. ;)
Trailhead just up from the Whitehart Inn on Rt41

Chip, the lot I plan to use is the one just up from the Whitehart Inn on Rt41. It is the trailhead that is across from Rt41 from where the AT comes past the cemetary, through the woods and crosses RT41. There is a nice lot there that can fit a number of cars.

BTW, the plan is to hike to Bear Mtn, then back to Riga shelter to stay the night. Riga has one of the best sun rises on the AT...

With the fresh snow that is predicted, about 5-8 here in the Harlem Valley just over the border from CT, there should be a nice layer on the mountains come Saturday. Weather is calling for mostly sunny and 32 degrees Sat daytime, low in the teens at night, and a chance of snow both Sat night and Sun daytime. Coooooool....

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I'll be there a 9am with snowshoes, crampons and Bumble.
I'd like to ski, but don't feel like lugging everything.
Where ever we end up is fine, Bear and back to Riga lean-to sounds great.
I'll bring a winter tent if you want to split it up, it'd be better to have than 2 small tents or tarp if we don't get the lean-to.
What wine goes with raman & "BBQ Pork" MRE ?

Anyone else out there want to go ?
Chip... Sounds good, I am not sure if the conditions would be skiable anyways, being the first good snow lately, things maybe a little thin. Not to mention there are some areas on that section of the AT that you maybe carrying them more then using them...

Good idea to bring the tent, I am hoping Santa brings me the tent I asked for this year... Other wise he can stick that coal somewhere till it turns to a diamond!!! LOL :D

As for wine that goes with Ramen or BBQ MRE's... Hmmm, maybe a nice French red... I actually love French reds, but I know some French would be pissed by such a culinary transgression of mixing their wines with such foods!

If I get out of work early enough, had to drive in this am... BTW Hudson Valley roads today really really suck... I may go grab some Bailey's... Always a nice touch to end a winter hiking dinner! That or maybe some egg nog, not the light stuff either, the full artery clogging full fat stuff....

Catch you in the morning... ANyone else want to join in, just be at the trailhead!
Sounds like a good time. Too bad I'm working on Saturday, but I'm planning on going to to the CT AT this Sunday.
How many inches do you guys have up there in your respective areas?
it's still snowing, i'd say an easy 8 to 10, maybe a little more on the AT.
sunday will be interesting as it'll warm up during the day tomorrow and freeze saturday night. unbroken trails could be quite crusty. got to LOVE IT ! :D


I just got out the ruler: even 10" in Woodbury, Ct - southeast of Salisbury.
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I got about 8-10 in Millbrook, NY which is about 20 miles from Salisbury CT, so I am sure the ridge got at least that much and expect to find more.