Hiking in the Whites next week


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New member
Sep 16, 2005
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Boston, MA
Aside from perhaps one day next week, I have the entire week off before school programs start in full force and I'm looking to hike any/all of the following: The Tripyramids, Isolation, Galehead, Carriagain, Whiteface and Passaconaway. If anyone is interested in joining me for any of these and has a free day or more next week I would love some company. PM me if interested.
Thanks :) , Chris
I have a couple of days off next week and plan to do some hiking in the Whites. Just sent you a PM on it to connect for a hike.

I tired to send you a PM but, you need to clear out your PM box. Let me know when and I send it to you.

I have to work all week but may be looking at a dayhike for Saturday, the 26th. ALL the ones you listed except for Carrigain which I got to in June are peaks I want to grab soon. Hmmmmm
I'd be interested in trying again to meet for Whiteface/Passaconaway either Wednesday or Thursday.