Hiking the Maine AT Rte 4 to 27, 8 peaks Memorial Weekend


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Jun 14, 2005
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Nobleboro, Maine Avatar: Even my shadow hikes!
I am looking to continue my section hiking on the AT in Maine, and last year I came off-trail at Route 4 just south of Rangeley with a knee problem. Therefore it's where I'll start this time, and since a few of the mountains are on the NE4K lists, I was wondering if anyone else wanted to tag along. This 32 mile stretch will allow you to grab Saddleback, The Horn, Saddleback Junior, Abraham, Spaulding, South Crocker, North Crocker, and Sugarloaf. I think Reddington is in the area as well, I'm just unsure as to exactly where.

I have Friday and Monday off, and could leave whenever. I also have plenty of gear for anyone lacking. Anyone up for a hike? The bugs should be fewer at the higher elevations and I hike at a moderate to easy pace since I don't want to reinjure my knee anytime soon.
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I will not be joining you but I did that section southbound last year as three separate dayhikes. Car shuttles were crazy but the weather for the most part was excellent and the hiking was exhilarating. We also made a point of climbing all the eight 4,000 footers in the region (actually 10 but on my trip we continued another day on to the Bigelows). So we did the bushwack from South Crocker over to Reddington and back. Here is where you can link to my trip report with photos and a detailed description of my experience. Also in the write up of my August 23 report is the bushwack over to Reddington which you might find helpful (also link to photos). Happy reading and have a great trip.
Many thanks for the replies!

I decided that rather than hike more I should be really working around the house this weekend, so I decided to do that instead. After all, the mountains will still be there, but my house may not be around much longer if I don't get a new coat of paint on it and some of the freeze boards replaced.