Historical Trekking Hike


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Fisher Cat

New member
Jul 27, 2007
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You may wonder why I'm posting this so far in advance, but since its on a holiday weekend, people may already have plans, plus August is very busy and before I know it, September will be here. Anyway, on the Labor Day weekend I will be doing Historical Trekking Hike, either the 3rd or 4th, whichever has the best weather. All clothing and accoutrements will be of the 1740's to 1780's, and a bit more typical of a British influence, as opposed to French for someone who made the decision to make their living off the woods.

If anyone would like to come along, PM me for details, and I will keep anyone interested abreast of developments as the date draws closer.
I had expressed interest to you in this earlier, but now know that Grandchild #2 will be arriving around that date and I will be sticking close to home. I might be last-minute interested, as it sounds like fun.
For everyone who PM'ed me about the hike, and for anyone else interested, it looks like we will be going on Friday, it looks like the better weather day of the two so far. If have any questions just shoot me a PM. Thanks for the replies!

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