Hough-S.Dix (Carson)-E.Dix (Grace) Mar. 9 2009


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Feb 5, 2009
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Trail to Slide Brook LT in great shape. We followed the Lillian Brook trail to the col between Hough and Pough. It too was in great shape and very easy to follow. Trails from col to Hough and over Pough to col for S.Dix were a little harder to follow due to recent and blowing snow. No trail from col to summit of S.Dix was visible, so one was established through the spruce yard. Once at the summit, the trail to E.Dix was visible and mostly easy to follow. The trail from S.Dix to Macomb was not visible, so the decision was made to return the way we came up. No trail, however, was visible from that col to the other one, and considering the lateness of the day and other conditions, a decision was made not to climb Macomb but to return over Pough and exit down Lillian Brook. There was a light snow all day, and temps near 30 made for a wet, cold day. Snowshoes were used all along the trails. Trip distance- 17 miles; trip time- 13 hours. Thanks to Ron and David for a great day!
D.Lewicki 46er-#4932, W40