How many true 4000'ers are there in NY with a 200' col?

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Jan 14, 2005
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I read another post in this forum and it got me thinking... if the ADK rule is a 300' col, how many additional 4k peaks are there with only a 200' col? I know someone mentioned one of the bumps on Tabletop, and there is MacNaughton, and there are only 42 of the 46... that makes 44 peaks, plus the 2 in the Catskills... = 46.

Are there others? Sorry, I haven't studied my topo maps before asking this question, but I bet some stat freaks out here have done the legwork already...
albee said:
I read another post in this forum and it got me thinking... if the ADK rule is a 300' col, how many additional 4k peaks are there with only a 200' col? I know someone mentioned one of the bumps on Tabletop, and there is MacNaughton, and there are only 42 of the 46... that makes 44 peaks, plus the 2 in the Catskills... = 46.

Are there others? Sorry, I haven't studied my topo maps before asking this question, but I bet some stat freaks out here have done the legwork already...
The 3000 footer 770 list uses the 200 foot col rule (even in NY). There was a list posted recently in a thread about NY100 highest peaks, supposedly derived from the 770 list. Check that.

Edit I just checked that thread. Here's the link: NY 100 thread. Read the last couple of pages of posts. There is a good discussion of what you get with the 200 foot col rule. It should answer your questions. I think the short answer is that there are no added 4000ers but there a number of added peaks between 3000' and 4000'.
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I count 44 in the Adirondacks. E. Tabletop and Yard being the additional two that are not on the 46er list. I did not include MacNaughton since it's elevation is always in question.
Papa Bear said:
I think the short answer is that there are no added 4000ers but there a number of added peaks between 3000' and 4000'.
Rik said:
I count 44 in the Adirondacks. E. Tabletop and Yard being the additional two that are not on the 46er list. I did not include MacNaughton since it's elevation is always in question.
My mistake above. I'm so dumb about the ADKs, I didn't realize E. Tabletop and Yard were 4ks after reading Mark S.'s helpful posts on the other thread.

So it looks like it's 46 or 47 in the state depending on MacNaughton.

It's unfortunate that there is dissagreement on NY maps. In NH there seems to be consensus on the maps and the criterion, even though the FTFC has peculiar rules about putting peaks on or taking them off (c.f. Lincoln).
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My count is 41

The NE 770 list does use a 200' rise, however, it grandfathered all of the Adirondack 46 onto the list although 6 of the 46 do not have a 200' rise, and 4 are less than 4000' (on the 1950 era maps), a total of 9 mountains (one fails both criteria):
Iroquois, Gray, Armstrong, Donaldson, Emmons
Blake, Cliff, Nye (fails both 200' rise and 4000'), Couchsachraga​
Thus 37 of the 46 have a 200' rise and are 4000'.

In addition two additional 46er peaks only have a 60 meter (196.85') rise on the more current metric maps and so are borderline. These had 200' and 220' rises on the 1950 era maps. My take is we should accept a 60 meter rise as the logical equivalent of 200' rise:
Carson (South Dix), Dial​

Two additional 4000' Adirondack Mountains which are not on the 46er list have more than a 200' rise:
Table Top Middle/East Peak, Yard​

MacNaughton is under 4000' on the current metric maps.

By my count that is 39 Adirondack Peaks, plus the 2 Catskills:
Slide, Hunter​
for a total of 41 NY 4000' Peaks with a 200' rise (two borderline).

Perhaps the easiest way to arrive at the list is to use the top 39 numbered mountains from this Adirondack Mountains 3700-foot Peaks list, and add the two Catskill peaks. This list includes the clean prominence of each peak. Also you need to understand the following relationship:
Rise = Clean Prominence + 1 contour interval​