How to spend leisure time so you want get fat and lazy

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Aug 27, 2004
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How to spend leisure time so you wont get fat and lazy

I heard this on the way in this morning

In a nutshell our time away from work should be away from work yet we should challenge and apply ourselves. The way I see it most of us with our hiking thing (pastime, obsession, insert your own term here) are doing it right.
We should have a long life of happiness and health.
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Thanks for the link. I love NPR. As to that particular segment, I have 3 days off this week. Yesterday, I hiked Lafayette and did some yardwork. Today, I'm going fishing/paddling, and I'll be hiking again on Thursday.

Days off to me is like money in the bank. I sleep better when I know I've got some.
I would much rather be busy doing something on my days off or on vacation. I have a pool in the back yard and I very rarely just hang out by it. I might jump in after mowing the yard. I would rather be busy. I am not hiking this weekend but I do have yard work to do and I am playing golf with some of my non-hiking friends. I don't just sit around and watch TV at night either (200+ channels and there is still nothing on!). I am obviously also on the computer or reading a book. I need to keep my mind busy. I am amazed at how many people just want to sit around lazily and work on making their heart disease worse.
giggy said:
some weekends nothing better than sitting near a lake, backyard, outside bar, pool, etc.. and getting nice and buzzed all day!
:D :D :D
...along those lines, but improved ;) :

Nothing like making a cooler out of your kayak's bulkheads, paddling out to the middle of the sound or some island with some buddies and enjoying your refreshments... and then kayaking drunk - hey, it's legal
cbcbd said:
...along those lines, but improved ;) :

Nothing like making a cooler out of your kayak's bulkheads, paddling out to the middle of the sound or some island with some buddies and enjoying your refreshments... and then kayaking drunk - hey, it's legal

You related to Bodie Miller? :eek: :D :D :D

How about drunken downhill slide running?
Make sure you have good dental insurance.
Fat? It's not your fault any more!

This thread started out on "fat and lazy" issues (and I don't mean to detract from drunken sports discussions, really). The lazy part is easy to understand, it's that fat part that is always so perplexing.

Now I understand why--it's not our fault! It's those darn viruses and bacteria. It may just be that the same explanation for most ulcers (a bacteria, H. pylori) may also apply to weight gain. The NY Times had a very interesting (and very long) article on "microbesity" yesterday.
