How's this for, "walking it off?!?!"

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Plymouth, NH
Dude finishes the AT from North Kinsman to Katahdin on a broken ankle. Not exactly easy miles, there.


Goes by, "Buckeye Flash." Anyone meet him?

That sounds awful ...

Sounds like he took care of it pretty well, though. Scary to think of things that could have happened with that, but by the sounds of it they didn't.

Good for him, I guess!
A few years back I suffered this same fibular fracture, a clean break resulting from a stress fracture... resulting from doing a very long hike wearing plastic double boots (stupid, stupid...).

Thinking it was a "tendinitis," I managed to hobble up Turtlehead Peak outside of Vegas on the broken ankle. :rolleyes: (Yes, trying to get around Vegas later on with crutches was a royal PITA.)

After x rays confirmed the break, my orthopedist said that the fibula takes only about 15 percent of the bodyweight, the tibia taking the other 85. Still, it HURT to weight bear!

Hard to imagine doing the AT thru the Whites and Maine on a broken fibula. But I guess if the bone's not showin'...
Shouldn't Buckeye Flash be fined for hiking negligently in New Hampshire? Send him a bill!
Sounds like it sucked, but it's a story I've heard before-A friend hiked one hundred miles down south on a stress-fractured ankle and finally dropped off at Fontana Dam. She thought it just hurt.
"Hurt" being a subjective phenomenon, of course. Everyone has their own, unique pain threshold.

Pain is simply your body parts letting your brain know somethings wrong. Once you tell your brain "Hey brain I know about it" you can continue on. I broke my ankle on a 14er called MT. Tabeguache in CO,unfortunately its on the other side of MT Shavano another 14er, which I had to re-climb to hobble down. I was motivated to make it out, because as some would say, Im a dumb ass soloist who refuses to tell anyone where Im going.:p
Pain is simply your body parts letting your brain know somethings wrong. Once you tell your brain "Hey brain I know about it" you can continue on.

When I was a kid and saw a dentist who didn't give meany pain killing medication for drilling out caveties, I agree with that. My young take on managing the pain was to try to put into words how I would describe the feeling to someone who didn't understand. The technique has served me well, but I do seek pain relief when it is possible.
When I was a kid and saw a dentist who didn't give meany pain killing medication for drilling out caveties, I agree with that. My young take on managing the pain was to try to put into words how I would describe the feeling to someone who didn't understand. The technique has served me well, but I do seek pain relief when it is possible.

Seeking pain relief is always wise, that day I broke my ankle, it took me about 10 hours to get out, advil taken during that time 18.:eek: