I suppose if you're going to get lost, you should have this with you


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Not sure if an RV would fit in my backpack! :)

I heard this story I think in the news the other day. Surprising that they would simply drive til the RV actually got stuck without realizing how seriously up-the-creek they would be if they did have a problem.

Reminds me of I think a program I saw on the NatGeo channel once of a couple (guy-girl) who took some wrong turn and got stuck in some remote region in a sedan.

I wonder if the vehicle comes with instructions on 'how to maneuver a three point turn with a 35 foot house on wheels on a dirt rode, in the back country with 4 feet of snow and six family members in tow'? NOT a good decision, but very happy to hear they all made it out ok..... :)
Sections of mountains in CA and OR get large amounts of snow. These two references are for regularly maintained highways (although some of the passes are closed Oct-May) and if I understand the news accounts correctly this couple was using some USFS/BLM forest roads as shortcuts. Am very glad to hear it had a happy ending. They were away a long time.
Two weeks is a long time, even if they had an RV. It's not like they were ready to go Donner Party on each other, but still...

As for the show about the lost couple, that was also a TV movie a few years back. Doogie Howser was the father. Remarkable survival story, but that one truly deserved to be Monday morning quarterbacked to death.