I'm off!


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Active member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Bethel, ME
I'm headed out tomorrow morning to caretake Upper Goose Pond Cabin on the Mass. AT for a week and then I'll be heading north on the AT and Long Trail. I'm aiming to finish the LT on 27 July. So if you are out that way and see a petite middle-aged woman carrying a too-big pack at a glacial pace be sure to say hi.

Best wishes! Here's to sunny, 70-degree days and no humidity, rain, or bugs!

Ditto what Stinky Feet said. I may see you out there or at least follow you in the log books. I'm starting a little later, but might be done a little earlier or right around then. Happy trails.
Good luck! Maybe we'll see you when you pass by this part of Vermont ... have fun!
I'm back...temporarily

I've completed a hundred miles of my hike (out of 320, since I started in MA) but having rain 8 days out of 10 has done a number on my boots and feet. I came home from Manchester Ctr yesterday for a few days off to heal my tootsies and rework my footwear. I'm planning to get back on by Sunday or Monday. It was really frustrating to have my progress slowed by feet that got worse and worse while the rest of me was feeling stronger and stronger :mad: .

My last evening was spent at Stratton Pond shelter with VFTT poster Early Bird. It was great to meet her and she gave me a great tip for a shortcut from the trail into town.

Hope you can dry out those tootsies and get back out there. Hope you have better weather. Good luck!

- darren
I was just thinking tonight when it started raining...again...that it must be pretty depressing to be doing any long distance slogging right now in VT. The humidity, the rain, the poor air quality....blahk! No good! I'm sorry your feet are in rough shape, but I'm glad that you're taking a break!

Rest your feet, let the weather decide to do something new and then get back out there. Sounds like a good plan to me.