North branch of Imp Trail to the Imp Face.
No snow on Rt 16. Snow started at about 2000ft. Snowshoes soon after. Up to 18" as we approached the Imp Face.
A few blowdowns, one was difficult to get around. Many branches leaning into the trail.
Snowshoes helpful, but we did see one other barebooting. We packed down the trail after him.
North branch of Imp Trail broken out to the face.
No snow on Rt 16. Snow started at about 2000ft. Snowshoes soon after. Up to 18" as we approached the Imp Face.
A few blowdowns, one was difficult to get around. Many branches leaning into the trail.
Snowshoes helpful, but we did see one other barebooting. We packed down the trail after him.
North branch of Imp Trail broken out to the face.