Interesting things in the Ossipees (and some questions)

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Sep 3, 2003
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Exploring the carriage roads above the Castle in the Clouds there are many interesting things to see.

This is an old steel roller near the summit of Faraway Mtn. (Click on the next three pics for more detail.) Does anyone know more about it or its use?

There is a cannister on Faraway (2450'). What list is it on?

This is the remains of a lodge (Pine Lodge) on the lower end of Turtleback Mtn trail. Does anyone have any more detail of its history?
carole said:
roller near the summit of Faraway Mtn.
Probably towed by horses and used to pack the carriage roads smooth

There is a cannister on Faraway (2450'). What list is it on?
If you had read it you wouldn't need to ask :)

First, where the radio tower is is not Faraway Mtn which it says inside

Two bottles were merged, one left by 'nebushwacker" who is doing the NE 1000 highest and another by ???? who is doing the NH 300 highest (although there is an AMC logo on that pad there is a note from an AMC 4K club official stating that the NH 300 is not an official list)

Most interesting is that about half the signatures are various officials from the Lakes Region Conservation Trust which owners the property, so at least one private owner doesn't object to registers :)

Pine Lodge on the lower end of Turtleback Mtn trail.
Probably an outbuilding built by Plant from it's style, did you ask the phantom trailbuilder?
RoySwkr said:
Probably towed by horses and used to pack the carriage roads smooth
They would have to be some tough horses to pull that thing! I hope it had brakes.
If you had read it you wouldn't need to ask :)
I didn't read it. I was going to replace the cannister because I was told by someone recently there that the lid was rusted and leaky. I will soon and I quess I'll answer my own question then.

Probably an outbuilding built by Plant from it's style, did you ask the phantom trailbuilder?
The property adopter told me they were of the remains of one of 2 guest lodges, "but we have so far been able to learn little about its history - only its name on an old map of the estate."

I was hoping someone might have a little more info.

Thanks for responding RoySwkr :)