Is it a spring?

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
What excactly is a spring? If I see water coming down a slope that appears to come out of the ground, and I cannot see its' source anywhere further up, is it neccessarily a spring? Is it safe to assume that it is pure? Are there imposters that fool people?

Do springs dry up seasonally, or would that indicate that it is not really a spring? I know of such a water flow that dries up in summer, but I've always assumed that it was due to the water table dropping.
Maybe it's a Spring spring?

In my experience, many springs in NH "dry up" by late summer. I have what might be considered a spring on my property - year round it's wet, including the coldest days of the winter - in fact it keeps the snow melted around it which means the water is coming from below the frost line. There's never a pool or stream coming from it though. Then there's springs in FL that pump millions of gallons a day year round and are the source for rivers. As to the purity of any - I'd filter or treat in all cases just to be safe. Or have it tested?
I'm no geologist (hydrologist?), but I've always understood that water coming up from underground constitutes a spring. In theory, you'd think they'd be cleaner and purer since they likely haven't been exposed to animal doo doo or other pollutants... but I agree, better safe than sorry and filter it. However, several times I've drinken unfiltered water from high-altitude, seemingly clear and pure springs and haven't had any problems.
Ran short of water while camping on Moosilauke last fall(Benson Trail). Camped because my father couldn't do it as a day trip. Found a trickle of water coming out from under some rocks, that disapeared again under some more rocks. Was tempted to drink from the source but after filling my water bag and standing up, I saw a huge pile of moose droppings 3 feet uphill. Boy was I glad my brother brought a filter. :)
where has the water been?

Artex said:
In theory, you'd think they'd be cleaner and purer since they likely haven't been exposed to animal doo doo or other pollutants... but I agree, better safe than sorry and filter it. However, several times I've drinken unfiltered water from high-altitude, seemingly clear and pure springs and haven't had any problems.
That water came from somewhere, in the Northeast it was probably rainwater that seeped into the ground and is now reappearing. In its path it has both added and shed contaminents. I used to routinely drink from streams but knowing some folks who got giardia I only do it rarely, when I think the risk of dehydration or heat stroke outweighs the risk of intestinal disease.
Spring (in NH) comes with rain and a loud SouWester!
It brings the singer & the nester.
Its gives the buried flower a dream & makes the settled snowbank steam.
It finds the brown beneath the white, and hopefully it does it tonight!
It bathes the window, makes it flow. Melts it as the ice will go.
Melts the glass and leave the sticks - like a hermit's crucifix.
Bursts into your little stall & swings the pictures on the wall.
Scatters the poems about the floor & turns the poet out of door!

(or something like that - my memory ain't what it used to be)

:D :D :D

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