Isolation this Saturday, 11/5

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Sep 16, 2005
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Boston, MA
Well, I posted some questions about this proposed trip in the Q and A section, and so far nobody has called me insane for wanting to do it. The route I would like to do is Rocky Branch Trail to Isolation Trail to Davis Path though it sounds like the last section on Isolation Trail before Davis Path can get a little confusing in snow. I am also hoping that crossings of the Rocky Branch will not be too difficult as I don't relish the thought of bushwhacking to avoid them. I would love some company for this one, especially if you are familiar with the trail, as I am not (this will be my number 39 of 48 for the NH48). The weather is going to be just perfect, or so they're saying, and I am all for an early start. Anyone out there interested in joining me just reply to the post or send me a private message.
Thanks :) ,
If you are concerned about route finding, the approaches via Glen Boulder or Ammo Ravine will be easier to find and have minimal stream crossings, although longer, more exposed, and with more vertical.

I'm going to have to consult the AMC guide I guess. Ammo Ravine? I didn't even know that was a possibility! How the heck long is it via that route?! :eek: I guess if it avoids stream crossings it can't be a bad thing though. I'm worried about everything if I go alone .... losing the trail, stream crossings, getting out there early enough to avoid coming down in the pitch dark ... you name it!!! LOL
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I have some studying to do :D.
Rocky Br Tr + Isolation Tr + Davis Path: 14.6 RT, 3600 vert ft

Glen Boulder + Davis Path: 12.0 mi RT, 5050 vert ft

Ammo Rav Tr + Crawford Path + Camel Tr + Davis Path: ~16 mi RT, ~5400 vert ft

Note that a significant amount of the climb occurs on the way out on the GB and AR routes.

Julie and me will also climb Isolation this Saturday, via Glen Boulder or Boot Spur. This is gonna be Julie's 48th. So if you want to take this route, at least you won't be alone! It's a long day, but also a beautiful one. I did it in 7h30 a few years ago with a friend, but I expect a longer day this time - around 10h is my guess.