It's time to head to Scar and Peak Above the Nubble again

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The Sikes

Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Boston NH
OK...It's time to get these 2 out of the way. I did them 12+ years ago and I'm sure things have changed. Has anyone done Peak Above the Nubble both going by Haystack and the other way where you start before that? Looking for feedback.

Also, on Scar. Last time I did it from the that better, worse of the same as going from Loon?
The Double Trouble Nubble Trail has probably become the standard route on PAtN now, up to your personal ethics on that. I prefer following Mohamed's directions to Haystack Mountain/The Nubble itself, then bearing slightly west of south (hiker's right) to the streambed of that particular branch of Haystack Brook to climb PAtN via the slide (descent may be interesting.) Usual haven't been there post-Irene disclaimer. Although I did enjoy it and would be up for doing it again.

EDIT: I should say, the young spruce from Mohamed's trip had become much less young (and nearly impassible) by 2009. Thus the deviation from his directions at the end of the "trail."
Jniehof, that is the way we did it long ago but all the reports now seem to go from an different area and never hit Haystack. I was curious.
I remember the tops had a lot of downed trees but other than that we just went up.
We did it from Haystack three years ago and it was awful. Steep, very thick, lots of bugs. Saw a nice herd path on the summit. Our route was so bad we tried to go east from the summit and circle back down which in retrospect was a huge mistake. Found a slide covered with slippery scum, a lot more bugs, ended up working our way through a clearcut north of Haystack back to our starting point.

I need to try it again, if so would stay in the streambed jniehof mentioned as long as possible. Although I remember that being a slippery, moss-covered mess.

The other way looks like a breeze in comparison. And for us at least Scar was a breeze in comparison.
Shouldn't this be in New England Q&A?

It's been two years since I did the Scar traverse. West Scar from Loon seemed relatively easy. The thickest stuff was over on East Scar, especially as you neared the summit.