Jay and Big Jay via LT 4-11-09


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Trail Conditions: On the LT up Jay, soft snow with open spots from ~2300-2700, with better coverage and firmer snow at higher elevations. Herdpath to Big Jay in great shape, well traveled. Bushwhacked off Big Jay down the steep slope into the gully b/w Jay and Big Jay, intersecting the LT just before hitting Rt 242. I'd say the rotten snow pops up somewhere around 2700-2800 feet and below.

Special Equipment Required: You could probably get away with barebooting up to Jay but I'd recommend snowshoes as the snow was pretty soft in open areas. Big Jay and down snowshoes definitely required as I postholed deeply even with them.

Comments: I wish I had brought my snowboard along as originally planned. The bare ground at low elevation scared me off but Big Jay is still in fantastic condition--very deep snow with full coverage back towards Rt 242 until about 0.5-0.75 mile away from the road.

Your name: Pat Cushing

Your E-mail address: pcushing21 at yahoo.com