Johannsen Face (ADK's)

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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The Johannsen Face on Haystack in the ADKs would be a very nice hike this weekend.



Brain and I have been eyeballing that for quite a while now. It's stupid steep, I would say in wet or icy conditions a near death trap or in the least an unsuccessful summit. We should all get together for this one.
Caution Needed

A couple of red flags for me:

Slope Angle
Randomscotter was kind enough to figure the slope at 35 degrees landing it statically in the Avalanche danger zone.

Lee Side
This being the lee side of the mountain, wind loading may be a concern. Granted, there isn’t much real estate on the wind wood side to accumulate snow, I would still expect this to be a factor for loading, visibility, route finding etc.

Given the remoteness of the area, predicting conditions would be difficult.

Climbing this first in dry conditions makes a lot of sense to get a better feel for what the conditions may be like in winter.
I would not want to do this within several days of a significant snowfall and would prefer to hit the lower slopes just after dawn after a clear cold April night.

Rather than approach from Shorey Short Cut a variant worth looking into would be via Sawteeth and Lower Lake. Easier travel on the road but increased chances of more unbroken trail to cover after ST

I'd like to go back ASAP before things get icy.
That sounds like a reasonable approach. Keep me in the loop if you guys decide to go. :)