Karrimor Sleeping Bag Rating?


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Dec 12, 2005
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Rockland, MA
How do I find the rating for a sleeping bag that I just inherited from a friend.
She herself received it as a gift when she was in Nepal in the mid 90's and recalls her friend telling her that the bag was a -20 or -40 celcius but there is currently no indication on the bag itself of a rating.

However, the brand name imprinted on the bag says, " Karrimor, 1st Winter K2 Expedition" and one tag says it is "Made in China", another reads reads "Pertex", and the cover bag reads "Karrimor Lhotse - right".

I've hung it up now for a few hours and feels quite lofty. Googled it and can't seem to find anything conclusive upon a quick check.

It's in fine shape too (Purple with medium blue lining).

Anyone have any ideas of how I can determine the rating? Anyone have this particular bag?
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Karrimor is based in the UK and is a very reputable brand. IF there are any identifying marks on the bag you might email them. Otherwise you could try taking a photo.

Personally I wouldn't bother about trying to figure out what it was rated to when it was new. What should matter to you is not what it was but what it is now. I would take it (maybe along with one of mine) a night when I don't expect it to be too cold or staying in a hut and see how cold I get...Maybe estimate what you think it is by using it at home with the heat off in winter first if you like. Worst case scenario you get a cold or super warm night in the backcountry.