Katahdin/N. Brother Hike Mon-Wed Oct 3-5


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Sep 19, 2005
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Fairfax, VA... land of the 2-hour commute
We will leave Boston, get up to Baxter State Park on Monday, Oct. 3rd., summit both Hamlin & Baxter Peaks on Katahdin on Tuesday, then bag N. Brother Wednesday.

The mileage for Katahdin, depending on which trailhead we are approved for, is 10.7, 11.4, 14 or 11.2 miles. The mileage for N. Brother is either 7.4 (Marston Trail) or 12.6 miles (Mt. OJI Trail), again, depending on which we are approved for.

I would think that given the time of year & the fact that we're going during the week, we would have a pretty good chance of having our choice of trails.

I cannot reschedule this for a weekend trip, as I work retail.

Please respond ASAP so that I can make lodging/carpool arrangements. I have room for 2 other hikers in my car.

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lx93 said:
We will leave Boston, get up to Baxter State Park on Monday, Oct. 3rd., summit both Hamlin & Baxter Peaks on Katahdin on Tuesday, then bag N. Brother Wednesday.
You might consider doing the NEHH peaks while you are there. Coe, So. Brother and Fort are doable with No. Brother if you start early and have good weather.

A year ot two from now, when you've finished the 67, you'll be glad you did. Leave no stragglers.

Papa Bear,

Point well taken. Right now, I'm kind of flexible, and am open to either option- doing just N. Brother, or doing all the Hundred Highest peaks that are along the longer route.

Any hike w/ a good partner is a good hike!

P.S.- lodging in the Kathadin area is very reasonable right now.
lx93 said:
Papa Bear,

Point well taken. Right now, I'm kind of flexible, and am open to either option- doing just N. Brother, or doing all the Hundred Highest peaks that are along the longer route.
Yeah. Coe and So. Brother would be an easy addition. Fort would be a bit more of an issue, depending on things like available daylight.

Hope you have good weather.
Camping is an attractive option 4 me...

But, my bag, an EMS Boreal, is only rated to 20 degrees, and my tent is 3-season. Would that be good enough for October? Plus, some other hikers might not have any gear (bags/tents) at all.

But, camping would save money, plus give us more flexibility in time. I got sunrise/sunset pix from camping out at Camp Guyot next to the Bondcliffs in the White Mts. 2 weeks ago, and they came out GORGEOUS.

Are you interested?

Campsites are at valley level, decent chance of dropping to freezing late at night but it's very early for snow at that altitude. (In 2003 an inch or two fell on the summit - not the campsites- about October 12, melted within a day or two.) 20-deg bag and 3-season tent should be fine (that's what I had) but pack an extra fleece for comfort.

I think I'm in if we're camping, but I don't think I can justify both lost weekday income and the cost of a hotel.
Hiking Versus Camping

I, too, am unlimitedly enthused about bagging peaks, but not as enthused about spending money unnecessarily.

So, the 1st person to post a FIRM committment to this hike gets to make the decision. If I make this a hike where we'll be camping and the other person backs out, I may have turned away others who would've been willing to go but wouldn't have wanted to camp.

If you want to call me and chat personally, mail me & I'll send you my phone #.

I'll be checking for replies tomorrow, Friday. But on Sat & Sun I'm doing my Reserves duty, and may not be able to reply until I get home early Tuesday.

it's on!

Just letting the world know that this trip will officially be a camping trip.

I believe there is room for one more person in the car.