Kearsarge North by Kearsarge North Trail

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Mike P.

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Colchester, CT
Date of Hike: March 19th, 2014

Trail Conditions: snow from bottom to top, well packed, a bit narrow but MSR's fit fine. no down trees requiring limbo skills or leaving the trail

Special Equipment Required: I wore snowshoes the entire time but the four people I saw during the day all had micro-spikes. Few postholes and even fewer more than a few inches deep. New snow on the night of the 19th added additional snow but should still be easy to follow the packed the trail. Last year the steep parts were mostly icy & I was happy to have crampons, this year, plenty of snow.

Comments: - The trail starts pretty low so the elevation gain on this trip is more than either Pierce or Field from the top of C-Notch. Lot sof open ledges in the middle and a small tower on top offering 360 views. (Yet to get in the tower on my two winter trips because I did not want to remove my traction to go inside.) Need to figure out some Summer of Fall time to try the other trail up next time.

Was going to do Pierce Friday but the Clinton Road intersection with 302 was barely 1 car wide on Friday AM and I was in my Mother-In-Laws older Lincoln instead of my Forester so I wasn't going to risk getting stuck.

Mike P.
[email protected]