Date of Hike: Monday, September 28th
Trails: Starr King, Kilkenny ridge
Trail Conditions: Blowdowns here and there throughout the route, all step overs or easily walked around. Trail is narrow in spots where the hobblebush or dwarf spruce encroach the trail but the whole trail is easy to follow. Not much water along this route for dogs but otherwise fine trail conditions for dogs with big mile experience.
Parking: Be careful driving up to Starr King trailhead if you have a low clearance vehicle, nasty divots. The gate for the South Pond Recreation area is closed, room to park next to the gate, adds a 1.1 mile road walk.
Comments: This is a real nice secluded hike for those looking to avoid the crowds. Lots of up and downs along the way over mostly moderate grades and good footing. Some really nice Birch glade sections below Terrace Mountain and heading toward Kilback Pond. Rogers Ledge and The Horn have the best views along the way and Unknown Pond is a nice spot to stop by, too.A great big mile hike with Whitney, lots of fun - hooray for fall!!
Report / Pictures
Name: Chris
Email: [email protected]
Trails: Starr King, Kilkenny ridge
Trail Conditions: Blowdowns here and there throughout the route, all step overs or easily walked around. Trail is narrow in spots where the hobblebush or dwarf spruce encroach the trail but the whole trail is easy to follow. Not much water along this route for dogs but otherwise fine trail conditions for dogs with big mile experience.
Parking: Be careful driving up to Starr King trailhead if you have a low clearance vehicle, nasty divots. The gate for the South Pond Recreation area is closed, room to park next to the gate, adds a 1.1 mile road walk.
Comments: This is a real nice secluded hike for those looking to avoid the crowds. Lots of up and downs along the way over mostly moderate grades and good footing. Some really nice Birch glade sections below Terrace Mountain and heading toward Kilback Pond. Rogers Ledge and The Horn have the best views along the way and Unknown Pond is a nice spot to stop by, too.A great big mile hike with Whitney, lots of fun - hooray for fall!!
Name: Chris
Email: [email protected]