Kinsmans via Mt. Kinsman Trail head

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A nice day! Despite nearly 6 hours of drought, the trail was wet and muddy, in some spots boot sucking muddy and flowing wet, in others wet roots and rocks, but overall it is an easy and fast way to do these peaks. The three main brook crossings aren't bad, although I met one returning hiker who had slipped on the wet rocks, soaked his boots and returned. Two simple walkover blowdowns. The new trailhead parking is nice and signed. The new section of trail crosses another trail which some took to be the Mt. Kinsman trail, but if you stay straight in a short ways you will reach a sign on an old road and turn there. Kinsman ridge was wet of course but the exposed ledge areas have rough enough crystalline structures so I didn't slip or slide. The mighty tough little dog had a ball in these conditions. Seat covers highly recommended for the post hike drive if you have a dog. Once again the number of hikers was way below what I would have expected from prior years, and once again most hadn't seen their youth for quite some time, but I was happy to see several very young kids up high with Dads/Moms.