Ktaadn Chimney Pond Trail


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Dr. Dasypodidae

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VFTT Supporter
Jan 15, 2004
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Thornton, NH
Led 31 glacial geology professionals and students to Chimney Pond via the Chimney Pond Trail on Friday. Trail was running with water most of the way and submerged up to knee deep in many places. We had planned to hike up the North Basin Trail from the junction with the CPT just above Lower Basin Pond, but I felt that the unbridged crossing of Roaring Brook at that location was too dangerous. So, we skipped our planned trip to North Basin, as we did not have time to hike an out-and-back from Chimney Pond.

Views were limited except for a brief few minutes at Chimney Pond when the fog lifted revealing the lower part of the Pamola cliffs, low on the South Basin cirque headwall.

"Dry Pond" was full of water, which was worthy of photographs to proove a hypothesis about the origin of these mountain ponds.

Rain was sporadic and at times heavy most of the day, but fortunately the temperatures were warm (mid-50s), so despite most being soaked to the bone, no one suffered hypothermia.