LA Times Story on Mt Hood Climbers

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Kevin Rooney

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From today's LA Times.
Men planned Mt. Hood climb carefully

By Sam Howe Verhovek
Times Staff Writer

December 20, 2006

COOPER SPUR, ORE. — One glorious day in June, Kelly James and Brian Hall, two longtime climbing partners from Dallas, were scaling Mt. Rainier, the tallest peak in the Cascades, when they met a man from Brooklyn, Jerry "Nikko" Cooke, who was in another group on its way up the mountain.
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Nice article, thanks for sharing.

Sending good vibes to those guys... hoping for the best.
It just came out - the decision was made to end the search - its now a "body recovery".

I've been hoping that at some point I'd hear the news that the remaining two had been found cold and hungry, but ALIVE.
