Leavitt & Hunter 3/4/07 (my 3500 completion)


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Mar 29, 2004
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Hudson Valley Avitar: North Dome
Due to the rain possibly forecast for Saturday I am changing the date in my original posting to Sunday 3/4/07. I still plan to start about 8:00 am from the end of Spruceton Rd. and do a loop in the counter-clockwise direction.I am planning to (finally) complete my regular 3500 peaks. I plan to start at the parking area at the end of Spruceton Rd. Hiking up to Leavitt, then on to Hunter and down the Spruceton Trail back to the car. I am thinking of starting around 8:00 on Saturday. Please contact me if you are interested in joining me.

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Ian, congratulations and good luck ! I'm sorry I can't be out there this weekend with you. I'm proud I was there on a couple of them with you, though !
Yup, named after the first 2 completers (Elinor and William Leavitt) of the 3500 club's list. Ironically SW Hunter/Leavitt wasn't added to the list til 1991...

Good hiking to you Ian!

nyestreet said:
new name for SW??
This thread was the conception of the name change to Leavitt Peak. And we learned from their daughter that Bill and Elinore Leavitt had placed the first canister on SW Hunter. There is some additional information in this thread Leavitt Peak(SW Hunter). It is still an early proposal. Not as far along as Carson and Grace in the Adirondacks. I don't believe there has yet been any formal application to the USGS. It is at the stage of getting hikers accustomed to using the new name and getting the Catskill 3500 Club onboard.
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