Liberty, Flume in the snow 11/18/08

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
It was snowing when I reached the trailhead and it snowed all day. It snowed progressively harder as I went up the Liberty Spring trail. There were about eight inches of fresh snow at the top. There was a strong north wind on the top of Liberty, otherwise the wind was not much of a factor.

The south ledges of Liberty were quite slippery. I put on the microspikes at that point and left them on most of the rest of the day. On the way back all of my outer clothing froze solid as well as most of my water. Full winter clothing as well as some traction advisable for this hike today.

There was one blowdown about head high between the two peaks. I know it is head high because I hit my head on it as I was going over to Flume.

The streams were running high today. However, the one main crossing was not too difficult although it did require a bit of wading.

When I got back to the car, I discovered I had lost my camera somewhere along the way. With today's snow, unless there is another thaw, it probably won't show up until late next spring.:(

[email protected]
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