liberty, flume, owls head 10.17.09

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New member
Mar 2, 2004
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southeastern, nh
date: 10.17.09

trails: liberty spring, franconia ridge, lincoln brook, owls head, franconia falls, lincoln woods + bushwacks

conditions: liberty spring reflected in prior post. snow underfoot between liberty and flume as well. bushwacked down the ridge between the liberty/flume col and found about an inch or two of snow on the ground and the spruce and fir were laden just waiting to dump down your neck. lincoln brook trail there are just traces of snow, but it is wet and muddy in spots. owls head slide was mostly clear and dry with a bit of snow and ice in spots. above the open slide there is one section of ice and then some packed snow cover the rest of the way. "new summit" still has a small cairn marking it. used the "fisherman path" on the exit and found it very hard to follow in the dark though the last .5 or so was easier. franconia falls and lincoln woods were mostly dry with small sections of mud.

equipment: had toned down winter gear. we used light traction in sections, particularly downhills, for some extra grip, but not necessary right now.

comments: another stellar day with earl and sue on a hike i probably wouldn't have ever tried if earl hadn't suggested it. highlights for me were following lots of bear tracks down the ridge bushwack, seeing all of the old
logging roads and of course owls head which had particularly beautiful views of the east side of franconia ridge as the sun was dipping behind it. thanks again to earl and sue for having me along.


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