Livermore History

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
Over the years folks have asked me about Livermore and the camp that still exists there

I had seen references in the past in local papers (most likely the Mountain Ear which at on time had good local journalism) that the prior owners were very much opposed to selling to the WMNF to the extent that anyone buying the property reportedly had to agree that they would not sell to the WMNF. I haven't heard the basis for the reported animosity. There was speculation at one time that the WMNF was trying to "smoke them out" by leaving a prior washout on the Sawyer River road unrepaired for a couple of years.

I have a USGS map that was updated in 1995 with a WMNF overlay showing inholdings and there are three inholding parcels shown in this area. One is roughly 500' by 500' feet and is set up hill from the road, one is at best a 200' by 100' parcel immediately adjacent and uphill from the road and a final odd shaped lot just downhill from the road immediately adjacent to the Sawyer river which is about 600 feet long and 200' wide at its widest. The USGS map shows a structure on FS property which lines up roughly with the camp so I expect the inholding map may not be completely accurate or the current building is actually on WMNF land with some sort of rights for a private structure called out in the deeds.

Its not very noticeable in the summer with all the foliage but in the winter there are a lot of spots that look to have been old building sites and the old log ways to the mill are far more noticeable

Here is some more info.

The Janet Hounsel article doesn't reference any animosity between the owner and WMNF in 1977 so if it existed at one point it was after that date and prior to the owners death in 1992.

There is one last mysterious inholding parcel shown in the former township of Livermore on the flanks of Mt Huntington west of the Sawyer River Trail, as to why it exists I have no idea.
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Very interesting. I've noticed that house down there by the river and often found it odd. Looks like there is some info here too:

Over the years folks have asked me about Livermore and the camp that still exists there

I had seen references in the past in local papers (most likely the Mountain Ear which at on time had good local journalism) that the prior owners were very much opposed to selling to the WMNF to the extent that anyone buying the property reportedly had to agree that they would not sell to the WMNF. I haven't heard the basis for the reported animosity. There was speculation at one time that the WMNF was trying to "smoke them out" by leaving a prior washout on the Sawyer River road unrepaired for a couple of years.

I have a USGS map that was updated in 1995 with a WMNF overlay showing inholdings and there are three inholding parcels shown in this area. One is roughly 500' by 500' feet and is set up hill from the road, one is at best a 200' by 100' parcel immediately adjacent and uphill from the road and a final odd shaped lot just downhill from the road immediately adjacent to the Sawyer river which is about 600 feet long and 200' wide at its widest. The USGS map shows a structure on FS property which lines up roughly with the camp so I expect the inholding map may not be completely accurate.

Its not very noticeable in the summer with all the foliage but in the winter there are a lot of spots that look to have been old building sites and the old log ways to the mill are far more noticeable

Here is some more info.

There is one last mysterious inholding parcel shown in the former township of Livermore on the flanks of Mt Huntington west of the Sawyer River Trail, as to why it exists I have no idea.